
  • 网络founder;father;founding father;our founders
  1. 早在1935年,现代遗传学的奠基者之一,J。

    In1935 one of the founders of modern genetics , J.

  2. 今天,成千上万的企业建立了自己的在LotusNotes上运行的软件产品,但是那些奠基者并没有预料到LotusNotes会成为“开发人员的产品”。

    Today , thousands of companies build their own software products that run on top of Lotus Notes , but the founders didn 't expect Lotus Notes to be a developers'product .

  3. 模拟使用生物免疫机制的人工免疫系统(AIS:ArtificialImmuneSystem)是解决该问题的一个方向。1994年,人工免疫系统研究的奠基者S。

    The Artificial Immune System ( AIS ) which stimulates the Biology Immune System ( BIS ) is an investigative hotspot because of its potential capability to solve this problem .

  4. 他也是CaddisResearchLLC的奠基者与所有权人。CaddisResearchLLC致力于开发抗菌素对对付对公众健康构成威胁的细菌。Dunman同时也是辉瑞研究顾问。

    He is also a founder and owner of Caddis Research LLC , which is developing antimicrobial agents that target bacteria that pose a threat to public health , and he is a consultant for Pfizer Research .

  5. 中国近代声学的奠基者&马大猷

    The founder of Modern Acoustics in China ── prof. Dah-You MAA

  6. 贝时璋院士,中国生物物理学的奠基者辞世,享年107岁。

    Bei Shizhang , Founder of China 's biophysics dies at107 .

  7. 王国维是中国现代美学的奠基者。

    Wang Guowei is the founder of China 's modern aesthetic .

  8. 其奠基者首推古罗马著名的思想家西塞罗。

    Its founder is Cicero who is a famous thinker in Roman .

  9. 他们是中国现代自由主义文学最初的理论奠基者。

    They were the founders of Chinese modern liberalism literature .

  10. 余上沅是中国现代话剧的奠基者之一,他一直致力于西方戏剧的介绍和研究。

    YU Shang-yuan was one of the founders of Chinese modern drama .

  11. 田汉是中国现代文学史上的要剧作家和中国现代话剧奠基者。

    Han Tian was the founder dramatist in Chinese contemporary literature history .

  12. 她确实是英王朝的创立和奠基者。

    She was actually the foundation-layer of the British empire .

  13. 农民是文明和繁荣的奠基者。

    The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity .

  14. 这个男孩后来被称为现代外科医学的奠基者。

    This boy came to be called the founder of modern scientific surgery .

  15. 文明的奠基者是诗性的,也是实践的。

    The founders of civilization are the poetic , and they are practice .

  16. 重审美经验是西方近现代美学研究的一大趋势,作为现象学美学奠基者的莫里茨·盖格尔更是强化了这一点。

    Emphasis on aesthetic exprerience is the trend of modern western aesthetic study .

  17. 他是新一代的奠基者。

    He was the first of a new generation .

  18. 农民是文化和繁荣的奠基者

    The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity

  19. 这里是缅怀一位计算机行业伟大奠基者的最佳场所

    This is the perfect place to remember one of its founding gurus .

  20. 华兹华斯是19世纪英国浪漫主义文学的奠基者,他诗歌的艺术特色可用秀、雅、和、远四字概括。秀,诗歌语言清新秀丽;

    Wordsworth was a major founder of the romanticism in nineteenth century in England .

  21. 海顿:维也纳古典乐派的奠基者

    Haydn : The Founder of Vienna Classical Music

  22. 中国现代美术事业的奠基者,杰出的画家和美术教育家。

    The founder of modern Chinese art career , outstanding artist and art educator .

  23. 中国图书馆事业的开创者和奠基者李燕亭论略

    A Study of Li Yanting : The Pioneer and Founder of Chinese Library Services

  24. 因此,鲍埃西可以堪称为法国近代政治思想的奠基者。

    So Boetie deserve to be called the founder of modern French political thought .

  25. 庄子&中国文学的奠基者

    Zhuang Zi & The Founder of Chinese Literature

  26. 而教育大计,教师为本,教师就是教育发展这块基石的重要奠基者,紧密关系着国家的兴衰、民族的复兴。

    Teachers , the important founder of education development , are closely tied with national revival .

  27. 教育是国家发展的基石,教师是基石的奠基者。

    Education is the headstone of national development and the teacher is the lay a foundation .

  28. 吴崇筠教授&中国石油大学沉积岩石学教学及教材建设的奠基者

    Prof. Wu Chongyun & the founder of teaching of sedimentary petrology in China University of Petroleum

  29. 程颢、程颐兄弟作为理学的奠基者,影响深远。

    As the founders of science , Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi exerted a profound influence .

  30. 柏拉图为西方古典思想之奠基者,是对比式解读霍布斯的重要参照。

    Plato is a founders of Western classical thoughts , is an important reference to understand Hobbes .