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diàn jiǔ
  • libation;sacrifice wine as offerings to the spirits of the dead;win poured on ground in sacrifice
奠酒 [diàn jiǔ]
  • [win poured on ground in sacrifice;libation] 把酒洒在地下表示祭奠

奠酒[diàn jiǔ]
  1. 奠酒倾倒一种液体贡奉物作为一种宗教仪式。

    The pouring of a liquid offering as a religious ritual .

  2. 穿白色礼服的酋长举行了奠酒祭神仪式,在停机坪上撒金酒。

    A chieftain dressed in white then performed a libation ceremony , pouring gin on the tarmac to bring good luck .

  3. 这首诗叫“奠酒”,写给我的朋友西,他也来到了现场。

    The poem is called " Libation ," and it 's for my friend Vusi who is in the audience here somewhere .

  4. 要做桌子上的盘子、调羹,并奠酒的爵和瓶;这都要用精金制作。

    And make its plates and dishes of pure gold , as well as its pitchers and bowls for the pouring out of offerings .

  5. 你要做桌子上的盘子、碟子、酒杯和奠酒用的瓶,这些你要用纯金制造。

    And thou shalt make the dishes thereof , and spoons thereof , and covers thereof , and bowls thereof , to cover withal : of pure gold shalt thou make them .

  6. 一只公牛要奠酒半欣,一只公羊要奠酒一欣三分之一,一只羊羔也奠酒一欣四分之一。

    Their drink offerings shall be half a hin of wine for a bull , a third of a hin for a ram , and a quarter of a hin for a lamb .

  7. 在周瑜柩前,诸葛亮亲自奠酒,跪在地上读祭文,泪如泉涌,悲痛不已,众将均被感动。

    Before Zhou Yu 's coffin , Zhuge Liang personally offered libation , kneeled on the ground , and read his eulogy . Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang . All the generals from Wu were moved .