
sānɡ ná
  • sauna
  1. 桑拿是一种蒸汽浴。

    A sauna is a type of steam bath .

  2. 楼下有两间卧室,一个厕所,一间健身房,一间洗衣房,此外还有一个桑拿间和雪橇放置区。

    There are two bedrooms downstairs with a full bath , a workout room , a laundry room , and a sauna room / ski storage area .

  3. 到律师家后,教皇顿时惊呆了!那是一栋有45个房间的大厦,有桑拿间、健身房、漂亮的图书馆以及宽敞明亮的房间。

    On arriving , the Pope is astounded1 to see a 45-room mansion2 , with built-in sauna and weight-room , a beautiful library , and spacious3 , airy rooms .

  4. 采用Oracle中对象表设计桑拿中心管理信息系统

    Applying Object-Tables of Oracle to Design a Sauna-Center Management System

  5. 在桑拿房中,BuddRose穿着的是一件普通棉质衬衫。

    Budd Rose on the left is wearing a normal cotton shirt .

  6. 江门市区桑拿服务人群HIV感染状况与防制策略研究

    A Study on Epidemic of HIV / AIDS among Sauna Workers and the Strategies for Prevention and Control in Jiangmen City

  7. 也要避免在一些被认为是神圣或需要沉思的地方谈话——比如欧洲的教堂、泰国的庙宇和芬兰的桑拿浴室。Keepquiet!

    Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective -- churches in Europe , temples in Thailand , and saunas in Finland . What You Should Do Instead

  8. 新来的人在这里度过三晚之后,就会拥有自己的昵称,然后必须在晚上洗完桑拿之后跳进小溪里完成整个仪式(克莱恩的昵称是Zubaz,名字来自他和其他布法罗比尔队(BuffaloBills)

    Newbies earn a nickname after their third night on the property , and following a requisite post-sauna plunge in the brook after dark .

  9. 而据BBC杂志2013年的报道称,芬兰仅530万人,桑拿房就有330万个。

    According to a BBC Magazine report in 2013 , there were 5.3 million people living in Finland and 3.3 million saunas .

  10. 而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  11. 由preciserealty营销的三居公寓有“长绒毛地毯”、整体厨房,还可以使用加热屋顶泳池、健身房和桑拿间。

    Marketed by precise realty , the three-bedroom apartments have " plush carpets " , fully kitted kitchens and access to a heated rooftop swimming pool , a gym and saunas .

  12. 康乐中心设有室内游泳池、桑拿、KTV、健身房等种类齐全的健身和娱乐设施。

    Recreation center with indoor swimming pool , sauna , KTV , gym , such as full range of fitness and recreational facilities .

  13. 根据CNN报道,芬兰人深爱着桑拿,“每三个芬兰人中就有一个在蒸桑拿,它已经是这个国家文化中不可或缺的一部分。”

    Finns love saunas and " with one sauna for every three people in Finland , it 's an integral part of the country 's culture , " according to CNN .

  14. 别具一格的日式乡村温泉,古埃及桑拿浴室,阳光温泉SPA,室内外连通的温泉泳池,私家豪华影院、各式海上娱乐项目等将为您在公务之余提供完美的休闲度假体验。

    In & Out-door Swimming Pools , Japanese Hot Spring , Ancient Egyptian Sauna Rooms , Sunshine SPA and a private cinema * all these will bring the most relaxation for your business trip .

  15. 宾馆康乐项目齐全,有桑拿中心、舞厅、KTV包厢、美容美发、桌球室、棋牌室、健身房等;

    The hotel has completed entertainment facilities such as sauna center , KTV rooms , billiard room , chess & card rooms , gym room etc.

  16. 他们在卢森堡的住所,装饰着漂亮的裸露横梁,附带一间阁楼;而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    Their home in Luxembourg had beautiful exposed beams and a loft ; their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  17. 该文介绍了Oracle数据库设计中对象关系O-R的实现策略,并论述了对象表在桑拿管理系统中的应用。

    This article introduces the tactic of using object relation in Oracle data system , and discusses the application of object table in a Sauna-Center management system .

  18. Arvela表示卫冕冠军考科宁尽管身体不适,但他本人拒绝离开桑拿室。

    Arvela said Kaukonen-the defending world champion-had refused to leave the sauna despite getting sick .

  19. OVE装饰是一家专攻浴室设备的加拿大公司,在美国和加拿大出售卫浴、沭浴房和桑拿房。

    OVE Decors is a large Canadian company specializing in the bathroom equipment and selling bathroom vanities , showers , shower columns , baths and saunas throughout the USA and Canada .

  20. 他获取了第一手的社会问题的资料,人们在餐馆,足浴桑拿中心,KTV或是足球场地看到她们,皆是满脸漠然,言语粗俗。

    He gained first hand knowledge about a social issue that has been largely ignored by speaking the sex workers in a friendly way in restaurants , foot massage parlors , KTV or football fields .

  21. 在只有趁着每天退潮那几个小时步行前往的博赛镇(BroughofBirsay),我们在一个标着维京桑拿浴场的洞穴里出了点汗。

    At the Brough of Birsay , accessible only by foot during the few hours when the tides recede , we sweated in the chamber marked the Viking sauna .

  22. 但这间桑拿浴室不止象征着挥霍过度。

    But the sauna is more than a sign of excess .

  23. 可盛载10公斤桑拿石块,提供舒适的桑拿感受。

    10kg stones provides sauna bathers with an unforgettable sauna experience .

  24. 最后一名留在桑拿室的人将赢得冠军。

    The last person left in the sauna is the winner .

  25. 设施包括一个大型室内泳池、按摩浴缸和桑拿房。

    Facilities include a large indoor pool , jacuzzi and sauna .

  26. 或者厨房太热像个桑拿室?

    A kitchen that becomes hot enough to be a sauna ?

  27. 目的为了解桑拿按摩师的心理卫生状况。

    Objective In order to study the mental status of masseuses .

  28. 吸烟、饮酒和桑拿对精子形态的影响

    Effects of Cigarette , Alcohol Consumption and Sauna on Sperm Morphology

  29. 他桑拿时突发心脏病身亡。

    And he died from a heart attack in the sauna .

  30. 穿过了女士们待着的桑拿室,对吧?

    Past the sauna where the women were held , right ?