
  • 网络mamaway
  1. 在他是个婴儿时,他妈妈喂他牛奶。

    His mother fed him on milk when he was a baby .

  2. 小高:它的小宝贝太可爱了,我现在还想念它们毛茸茸的样子,它们像小肉球一样,胖嘟嘟的,都是你把狗妈妈喂得好!

    Her puppy is so cute . Right now I still miss how fluffy they were . They were like butterballs as they were so fat . It 's all because you fed the mother so well !

  3. 妈妈一会儿喂我喝开水,一会儿摸摸我的额头,一会儿量量我的体温;

    Mum was touching my forehead and checking my temperature as she feed me with the water .

  4. 有一个有创意的爸爸穿上他妻子的浴袍,并把奶瓶夹在他的胳膊下面,同时以妈妈亲喂的姿势来喂宝宝。

    One enterprising father put on his wife 's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position .

  5. 在长达两年的时间里,它们完全依赖妈妈来喂它们虫子,而两年对于一只鸟的生命来说是非常长的一段时间。

    They depend on their moms to drop worms in their little open mouths for as long as two years , which is a really long time in the life of a bird .

  6. 她发现这情况很有趣:鸡妈妈总是先喂较小的鸡宝宝。

    She found it interesting that the mother would always feed the smaller chicks first .

  7. 妈妈每天早晨喂鸟。

    Mother feeds the bird every morning .

  8. 他病得很重,他的妈妈不得不用勺喂他。

    He was so ill that his mother had to spoon-feed him .

  9. 当它们饿了的时候,鸟妈妈就给它们喂虫子。

    When they were hungry , the mother bird fed worms to them .

  10. 美国海洋世界在拿走逆戟鲸妈妈的宝宝之后喂给她抗焦虑药物。

    SeaWorld gives mother orcas antianxiety medications when their calves are taken away .