
  • 网络TEMPLE;MaZu Temple
  1. 第四,这一地区,妈祖庙本身就是会馆或会馆内设有妈祖神像以供拜祭的情况不少。

    Fourthly , there are many cases in this area that Mazu temple was assembly hall or people placed Mazu statues in the assembly hall for offering sacrifice .

  2. 我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。

    I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple , dating from the late 16th century , with its stunning woodcarvings , sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal .

  3. 上海地区拥有大量官建妈祖庙和会馆妈祖庙,主要分布在沿海、沿江码头以及商贸中心地带。

    There were a large number of Official Mazu temples and Hall Mazu temples in Shanghai , mainly in coastal , river terminals and trade center .

  4. 第二,从地理分布上看,妈祖庙数量多,分布范围广,主要在沿海地带或江河交汇处。

    Secondly , in terms of geographic distribution , there are a large number of Mazu temples in Pan-Bohai Area , and the distribution is wide . Besides , the Mazu temples lie mainly in seaboard and places where rivers converge .

  5. 它从宋代形成以来,其分布地域不断扩大。现今,妈祖庙的分布区在中国已经扩大到了北至东北辽河流域,南至海南南沙群岛,东部遍布沿海各地,西至四川云南的广大地区。

    Since Song Dynasty , it distributing areas was extended continuously and presently to the area from the northeast Liao River area in China to the South Sand Islands , from all over the coastal eastern China to Szechwan province and the most part of Yunnan Province in western China .

  6. 福建人将妈祖信仰随身携带至上海,并建立会馆妈祖庙进行祭祀,成为上海地区妈祖信众的主体。

    The Fujianese took the Mazu belief along with them when they to Shanghai . They built Hall Mazu temples , offer sacrifices to Mazu . They were the body of the Mazu believers in Shanghai .