
  • 网络South;Southern region;south region;Southland
  1. 战后,军队试图在该国的南部地区维护其统治地位。

    After the war , the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country

  2. 中国南部地区Es层出现规律统计及分析

    Statistics on occurrence regularity of Es in South of China

  3. 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。

    The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia

  4. 我一直奔忙于英格兰南部地区,疲于应对一连串的活动。

    I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity

  5. 地壳厚度较小的东、南部地区Moho面速度界面明显;

    In the eastern and southern regions , the crust is relatively thin , and the velocity contrast across Moho is obvious .

  6. 在北方蓖麻为一年生草本植物,在我国的中部地区为宿根多年生植物,而在我国的南部地区,蓖麻则长成高达5~10m的小乔木,寿命可达10~15年。

    Castor is an annual herb in the north of China , perennial plant in mid & China , 5 ~ 10 meters high in the south of China , with a life of 10 to 15 years .

  7. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的ValeInstitute表示,如果2009年一季度的趋势延续下去,流向新兴市场和发展中国家(有时被称之为南部地区)的FDI就有望超过流入北部地区成熟市场的直接投资。

    If trends from the first half of 2009 continue , FDI to emerging markets and developing countries , which are sometimes referred to as the South , is on track to exceed direct investment in the mature markets of the North , according to Columbia University 's Vale Institute .

  8. 新疆南部地区棉花施肥现状及评价

    Actuality and Evaluation of Fertilization in Cotton Fields in South Xinjiang

  9. 几种优质牧草在贵州南部地区的引种试验

    Experiment for Introducing Three Herbages in the Southern Areas of Guizhou

  10. 朝鲜南部地区农业资源及粮食生产水平分析

    A Discussion on the Agricultural Resources and the Grain Production Level

  11. 我本人就喜欢来自那布勒斯和西西里岛的南部地区的食物。

    I do love the southern dishes of Naples and Sicily .

  12. 1945-1948年朝鲜半岛南部地区的政治变动

    Political Change in South Area of Korean Peninsula from 1945-1948

  13. 中国南部地区油气勘探战略的思考

    Thinking of Oil and Gas Exploration Strategy in South China

  14. 清代新疆南部地区的商业贸易

    The Commerce of the South of Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty

  15. 四川盆地南部地区构造发震能力的模式识别

    Pattern recognition on Seismogenic ability of geologic structure in southern Sichuan Basin

  16. 安徽南部地区黄龙灰岩下部白云岩的时代

    The age of the basal dolomite of Huanglong Formation , Southern Anhui

  17. 利用航磁资料判定东北南部地区几条主干断裂

    Judge main faults by aeromagnetic data in the south of Northeast China

  18. 然而,在东部和南部地区同样也有一些没有被称颂的成功发展的城市。

    But there are also unsung heroes in the south and east .

  19. 高梁是非洲南部地区重要的粮食作物。

    Sorghum is an important food grain in southern Africa .

  20. 东北部地区健康状况好于南部地区。

    The north-east is a picture of health compared with the south .

  21. 中国南部地区近600万人受灾。

    Nearly six million people in south China have also been affected .

  22. 河北南部地区石炭&二叠纪层序地层与聚煤特征

    Permo-Carboniferous Sequence Stratigraphy and Coal Accumulation Features in Southern Hebei

  23. 辽河断陷盆地西部凹陷南部地区深层储层特征

    Deep reservoir characteristics in south of western sag , Liaohe rifted basin

  24. 土壤侵蚀主要分布在北部、西部和南部地区。

    Soil erosion is mainly distributed in northern , western and southern regions .

  25. 新疆南部地区婢螨区系及医学意义

    Acarine Fauna and Its Medical Importance in Southern Xinjiang

  26. 长安南部地区地下水化学特征与污染防治

    Chemical characteristic and pollution prevention of groundwater in south of Chang ′ an

  27. 贵州南部地区冷季型草坪草引种栽培的适应性研究

    Adaptability of Lawn Grass Varieties in Cold Season in South Area of Guizhou

  28. 江苏省南部地区锡矿的发现

    The discovery of tin deposit in the Southern Jiangsu

  29. 甘肃南部地区强震危险性的统计分析

    Statistical analysis on strong earthquake risk in South Gansu

  30. 英格兰南部地区一片乌云。

    Theres thick cloud over the south of England .