
  • 网络southern branch trough
  1. 高空西风槽和南支槽及其前侧的副热带急流和低空强西南气流及准静止切变线是诱发福建省春季冰雹最主要的天气系统。

    The main influencing weather systems are : upper-level westerly trough , southern branch trough , subtropical jet , strong low-level southwest jet and quasi-stationary shear line .

  2. 分析结果表明,高空南支槽、地面辐合线、850hPa西南急流和切变线,是这次强对流天气过程的主要影响系统;

    Results show , it is the principle influencing systems that the upper trough , surface convergence line , The low level southwest jet and shear line .

  3. 造成广西冬季暴雨天气事件的主要影响系统是南支槽东移和冷空气南下共同影响;

    The main cause resulting in winter rainstorm is the movements of the south sub current eastward and cold current southward .

  4. 移动性南支槽在东移的过程中不但输送水汽,槽前辐合上升也提供必要的动力条件。

    Mobile trough transports moisture , and the ascending convergence in its front provides dynamic conditions which are necessary to the rainfall .

  5. 此类东海波动快速生成是北支槽东移南下与南支槽结合产生低涡的结果。

    The fast generation of this undulation over the East China Sea is the result of the depression , which was generated from the north trough moving southeasterly in conjunction with the south trough .

  6. 低空急流的形成和移动与中层南支槽的关系较为密切,南支槽前的辐散为低空急流的形成提供了启动机制。

    The formation and motion of the LLJ is closely related with the southern branch westerly trough on middle level , the divergence in front of southern branch westerly trough provide major start-up mechanism for forming the LLJ .