
jūn shì chōnɡ tū
  • military conflict;incident
  1. 我们还未到全面军事冲突的地步。

    We haven 't got to the stage of a full-scale military conflict

  2. 最后,不能排除与中国就有争议的阿鲁纳恰尔邦(arunachalpradesh)爆发新军事冲突的可能性。

    Lastly , a renewed military conflict with China over the contested Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh cannot be ruled out .

  3. 相反,克劳塞特和瑞士联邦理工学院苏黎世分校(SwissFederalInstituteofTechnologyinZurich)的瑞恩·伍达德(RyanWoodard)等统计学家分析了过去200年的军事冲突。

    Instead , Clauset and other statisticians , such as Ryan Woodard of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich , have analysed the past 200 years of military conflicts .

  4. 南苏丹某营地有上万因军事冲突而逃来的,官员称难民面临E型肝炎爆发的巨大挑战,E型肝炎是由不洁食物和水引起的病毒感染。

    At a crowded camp in South Sudan where thousands have come to escape the region 's military conflict , officials report that an outbreak of Hepatitis E , a viral infection transmitted by contaminated food and water is posing a grave challenge to camp residents .

  5. UEFA今天做出决定,考虑到以色列及其周边地区正在进行的军事冲突,将不会有欧赛在该国举行,直到将来情况发生变化。

    UEFA has today decided that , in light of the ongoing armed conflicts in and around Israel , no European competition matches can be staged in the country until further notice .

  6. 如果发生政治或者军事冲突,将导致原油价格急剧上升达到150美元每桶,Flint说那么整个航空业将进入严重亏损。

    Profits could fall further if a political or military conflict causes cruel oil prices to rise sharply and hit $ 150 a barrel . Flint says that could push the whole industry into significant losses .

  7. 根据麦肯锡(McKinsey)咨询师的研究,肥胖正在成为一个沉重的经济问题,全球近三分之一的人口处于超重或肥胖状态,造成的经济损失足以和军事冲突或吸烟相比。

    Fat is becoming a weighty economic issue . Almost a third of the world 's population is overweight or obese , levying an economic cost that rivals that of armed conflict or smoking , according to research by McKinsey consultants .

  8. 目前的军事冲突是局部性的,还不是全国性的。

    The present military clashes are still local and not national .

  9. 看两位英国历史学家如何剖析20世纪最严重的军事冲突。

    Two British historians analyse the 20th century 's worst conflict .

  10. 当政治争议不断扩大时,军事冲突全面展开。

    When political disputes is extending , military conflict more comprehensive .

  11. --双方都希望减少国际军事冲突的危险;

    Both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict ;

  12. 不确定性军事冲突模式预测的数学方法

    The Math Method of Forecast under Uncertainty in The Military Conflict Mode

  13. 此修改的目的在于防止由于误会而引发的军事冲突。

    The revision is aimed at preventing military conflicts based on misunderstanding .

  14. 不完全信息下军事冲突态势的模糊过程分析

    Fuzzy Process Analysis on Military Conflict Situation Under Incomplete Information

  15. 若处置不当,可能会导致军事冲突。

    Mishandled , it could lead to military conflict .

  16. 不确定性军事冲突态势的动态预测

    Dynamic Forecast on The Military Conflict State under Uncertainty

  17. 军事冲突中战术欺骗的一个优化模型

    An optimization model for tactical deception in military conflict

  18. 随着俄罗斯入侵了乌克兰,军事冲突已蔓延到欧洲。

    With the Russian invasion of Ukraine , military conflict has spread to Europe .

  19. 但是要记住,不是所有的国际准则都与军事冲突直接相关。

    Keep in mind , not all international norms relate directly to armed conflict .

  20. 政治和经济竞争元法避免;军事冲突的可能性不能排除。

    Political and economic competition is unavoidable ; military conflict cannot be ruled out .

  21. 军事冲突中实施战术欺骗已成为信息战的一个重要手段。

    A tactical deception in military conflicts is an important means in an information war .

  22. 在巨大灾难或者军事冲突之后,最先出现的总是他们。

    They are the first on the scene following any major disaster or military conflict .

  23. 所以,如果爆发军事冲突,美国必将介入。

    So , if a military conflict breaks out , the U.S.will have to get involved .

  24. 核武器降低了爆发直接军事冲突的可能性,但没有完全消除这种可能性。

    Nuclear weapons reduce the chances of direct military conflict but they do not eliminate it .

  25. 你认为联合国应该被授权干预地区军事冲突吗,比如目前达富尔这样的状况?

    Do you think the U.N.should be given authority to intervene militarily in situations like Darfur ?

  26. 他们开会讨论了如何降低两国间发生军事冲突的危险。

    They held a discussion to reduce the danger of military confrontation between the two nations .

  27. 这意味着,那时将不再有朝韩的军事冲突了。

    This means that there will be no military clash between two Koreas until that time .

  28. 不断增多的军事冲突和愈演愈烈的军备竞赛使得大战越来越迫近。

    Also , the great war was imminent for the increasing military conflicts and fierce arms race .

  29. 研究报告认为,与中国的任何军事冲突都可能使双方遭受严重的经济后果。

    The study says any military conflict with China would have serious economic consequences for both sides .

  30. 如果这把我们引向一场全面的军事冲突,我们也在所不惜。

    If it takes us to a complete military confrontation with the regime then so be it .