
  • 网络Tanning bed;Drying tables
  1. 然而,紫外线也会伤害皮肤并导致癌症,日晒床释放出比太阳多三倍的紫外线,这使它们可能很危险性并且使人上瘾。

    However , UV rays also damage the skin and cause cancer , and tanning beds give off three times more UV than the sun , making them both potentially dangerous and addictive .

  2. 保持充足睡眠每晚至少睡8小时,以保证皮肤在夜间有充分时间自然更新。小贴士:戒烟戒酒,停止使用日晒浴床和禁晒日光浴。

    Step 5Get sleepGet at least 8 hours of sleep every night to let your skin renew itself each night.Tip : Avoid smoking , drinking excessive amounts of alcohol , tanning beds , and sunbathing .