
  • 网络Short curly hair;short hair
  1. 我不认识那个短卷发的女孩。

    I don 't know that girl with short curl hair .

  2. 玛丽的短卷发很引人注目。

    Mary 's Bob looks attractive .

  3. 她作学生时长发披肩,而现在则留着短卷发。

    She had long straight hair as a schoolgirl and now she 's wearing short curly hair .

  4. 我最喜欢的音乐家是约翰杰克逊,他高而瘦,留着宗色短卷发。

    My favorite musician is john , he is tall and thin , he has short brown curly hair .

  5. 杨澜这款短卷发,很有层次感,发型也很饱满,显得她更优雅了。

    Yang Lan : Yang Lan This short curly hair , very layered , very full of hair , she looked more elegant the .

  6. 你妈妈长的什么样?她中等身材,短的卷发。

    What does your mother look like ? she is medium-sized and has short curls .

  7. 在黑人社会,长长的直发通常被认为比短的卷发漂亮。

    In the black community , long , straight hair is often considered more beautiful than short kinky hair .

  8. 她那短而浅色的卷发像过去一样蜷曲;她也早已戴上眼镜,保罗心中暗想,她上床睡觉时是不是戴着它们。

    Her little light curls were as crisp as ever , and she had already her spectacles on , which made Paul wonder whether she went to bed in them .