
duǎn xiàn
  • short-term;stub;short line
短线 [duǎn xiàn]
  • [short line] 比喻需求量超过供应量的产品、专业等(跟长线相对)

  • 增加短线钢材的生产

短线[duǎn xiàn]
  1. 最后针对在并购时如何有利于股东财富最大化的问题给上市公司提出一些建议,并对投资人利用并购主题进行短线交易给出一点建议。

    Finally , propose some suggestions to the listed company on the issue that how to maximize shareholder 's wealth while merging , and provide some advise on stub trade to investor .

  2. 插入符可以是一根短线、一个方块或者一幅位图。

    The caret shape can be a line , a block , or a bitmap .

  3. 1月22日,四家上市公司发布公告称,他们的独立董事宋常因涉嫌内幕交易和短线交易被证监会立案调查。

    Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .

  4. 范围(Range):使用短线(dash)来指定包括一定范围字符的字符类。

    Range : Use a dash to specify a character class for an inclusive range .

  5. 像T3的交易员这类的专业短线交易员最近主导了AIG股价的波动。

    Dominating the recent move in AIG stock were professional day traders like those at T3 .

  6. 上海长江隧桥60m节段梁短线法匹配预制施工工艺

    Prefabricated Construction Technology of Matched Short-Molding Method for 60m Segmental Box Girder of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge

  7. 位于新泽西州的短线交易公司SoldierCapitalLLC有26名成员,其负责人赫雷拉(AlexHerrera)一直在买卖AIG股票。

    Alex Herrera , head of Soldier Capital LLC , a 26-member day-trading firm in Ramsey , N.J. , has been among those buying and selling AIG .

  8. 利用光纤环网改造110kV短线保护的工程应用

    Application of Optical Fiber Ring to 110 kV Short-line Protection Alteration Project

  9. QFII的首批参与者并未建立起一个更具机构色彩的投资者基础,而是助长了作为内地股市交易特征的短线交易行为。

    Rather than build a more institutional investor base , these first participants added to the shorter term trading behaviour that characterises mainland stock markets .

  10. 低频段数据通过单元可包括多个短线,该短线与数据总线连接且被形成为印刷电路板(PCB)图案,短线相互平行;

    The low frequency band data pass unit comprises a plurality of stubs which are connected to the data bus in parallel and are formed as printed circuit board ( PCB ) patterns .

  11. 港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥PC梁短线法预制模具设计兴建大桥用的平面及高程控制网的联合测量由香港路政署和深圳市深港西部通道工程筹建办公室联合策划和完成。

    Design of Formwork for PC Girders Precast by Short-Line Match Method of Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge , Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor The joint control survey was conducted by the Highways Department in Hong Kong and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor Project Office in Shenzhen .

  12. LFP-943N型光纤纵差保护在短线路上的应用

    Protect the application on the short circuit in vertical difference of optic fibre of model LFP-943N

  13. 这使得AIG普通股(截止周二价值62亿美元)在短线交易员之间交易最为活跃,这些交易员根据市场趋势买卖股票,相互做高风险的期权交易。

    That has left AIG 's common shares -- $ 6.2 billion worth , as of Tuesday -- trading most actively between short-term traders , who buy and sell based on market momentum and bet against each other in risky options trades .

  14. 与其他许多大型航空公司一样,马航的长线航班业绩相当良好,然而短线航班业务则因遭受来自亚洲航空(AirAsia)等廉价航空公司的竞争而表现不佳。

    As with many large carriers , its long-haul operations are doing reasonably well , but its short-haul business is suffering because of competition from low-cost carriers such as AirAsia .

  15. 一家对手公司的交易员表示,这位摩根士丹利交易员涉足的是cdx指数信贷指数期权方面的短线交易。

    A trader at a rival firm said the Morgan Stanley trader had been involved in short-term trading over credit index options on the CDX index .

  16. 近年来,如何把解决域上多条序列最短线性移性位寄存器综合问题的基本迭代算法(FIA)扩展到任意一个整环上,这一问题很受关注。

    The fundamental iterative algorithm is usually used to synthesize minimum length linear feedback shift registers for generating prescribed multiple sequences . In recent years , how to extend it to an arbitrary integral domain has become a problem of great concern .

  17. 针对目前10~35kV中低压供电网络中,出现多电源环网结构和多级短线分支的线路结构这一特点,提出一种新型的微机保护原理&选择性原理。

    Aiming at the 10 ~ 35 kV distribution network with multiple supply sources , ring connections and multilevel short line branches , this paper presents a new kind of theory for microprocessor_based protection & the principle of selectivity .

  18. 2005年2月23日,上证50ETF在上海证券交易所挂牌交易,这标志着融合投资、交易和短线操作为一体的全新指数型投资工具登陆中国证券市场。

    On February 23 , 2005 . 50ETF ( Exchange Traded Fund ) of Shanghai Securities is listed in Shanghai Securities Exchange , which indicates the new indexation investment tool that concentrates on investment , trading and short-term investment emerged on securities market in China .

  19. 短线匹配法预制箱梁施工技术

    Construction Technique of Box Beam Precast by Short Line Matching Method

  20. 设立赎回费首要目的在于阻止投资者短线炒卖。

    This fee type is set primarily to discourage short-term investors .

  21. 短线匹配法箱梁预制悬拼施工技术

    Prefabrication and Suspended Splicing of Box Girders with Segmentation Method

  22. 佛瑞斯特与华尔街众多的交易员不同,他不做短线交易。

    He 's not a day trader like many on Wall Street .

  23. 你几乎可以听到短线操盘手们的呼喊。

    You can almost hear the yelps from day traders .

  24. 内部人短线交易利益归入制度研究

    Research on the System of Disgorging Insiders ' Short-swing Profits

  25. 短线法施工控制参数敏感性分析及参数识别

    Sensitivity Analysis and Identification of Parameters on Construction Control of Short-Line Method

  26. 当这些短线连接产品组装在一个通道模块上时,其功能更佳。

    The parts function much better when mounted on the same plane .

  27. 基于几何控制法的短线预制拼装箱梁研究

    The research on method of geometry-control during erection of the short-line bridge

  28. 每个月的变化只是战术性变化,目的是利用短线走势。

    The only month-to-month changes are tactical changes , to exploit shorter-term moves .

  29. 浅谈短线平衡对标准的制约作用

    Notes on the constraint action of short - term equilibrium on standard systems

  30. 短线来看,这样的举措应能支撑欧元。

    In the short term , such a move should support the euro .