
  • 网络CHOPPED-FIBER;chopped fiber;short fiber;staple
  1. 短切纤维和2D碳布叠层结构的摩阻材料平行方向的热扩散率为垂直方向的两倍;

    Axial Thermal diffusivity of short fiber and2D fabric is twice as large as longitude thermal diffusivity .

  2. 测试了由RMI制备的短切纤维C/SiC摩阻材料的力学性能。

    Mechnical properties of short fiber reinforced C / SiC material made by RMI are tested .

  3. 随着BN短切纤维含量的增加,复合材料的气孔率增加,强度有所下降,而断裂韧性和抗热震性明显提高。

    With the increasing of unidirectional distribution BN fiber , the porosity of the composite increased , strength reduced , but the fracture toughness and thermal shock resistance increased obviously .

  4. 纤维质量分数为3.0%、长度为3mm的短切纤维的增强效果较好;

    When the fiber length was 3 mm ( weight percent 3.0 % ), the composite materials had a better reinforcing effect .

  5. 额外短切纤维的加入,使分形范围减小,降低质量分维。

    Mass fractal dimension and fractal range decrease with the adding of additional short fibers .

  6. 短切纤维炭炭复合材料磁电阻特性研究

    The magnetoresistance characteristic of C / C composites with short carbon fibers at different heat treatment temperatures

  7. 短切纤维增强复合材料

    Chopped fiber reinforced composite

  8. 主要阐述了短切纤维增强复合材料的纤维取向的广泛应用及其研究进展;

    This paper introduced recent development and application of fibre arrangement direction of short carbon fibres reinforced composites .

  9. 并且对于短切纤维C/SiC,摩擦实验后基本形成了连续光亮的摩擦面。

    And that successive slippery friction surface is formed for short fiber C / SiC composites after friction test .

  10. 结果表明:短切纤维增强氯氧镁水泥基体的增韧效果比连续纤维更好。

    The results indicate that the toughening of magnesium oxychloride cement by chopped fibers is better than that by continuous fibers .

  11. 选用不同粘度的不饱和聚酯树脂分别浸润不同型号、不同铺层厚度的玻璃纤维布和短切纤维毡,对浸润过程进行实时采集。

    Choose different viscosity of unsaturated polyester to soak different glass fiber or felt , and do the real-time collection for the experiment .

  12. 纤维混凝土中,短切纤维作为散体呈乱向、随机分布,内部结构复杂。

    For fiber reinforced concrete , the short-cut fiber disorderly to random distribution as a medium , and the internal structure is complex .

  13. 通过对玄武岩短切纤维增强制动片的检测认为其适合作为摩擦材料的增强材料。

    Through the testing of brake blocks reinforced with chopped basalt fibers , basalt fibers are considered suitable for use as reinforcement for friction material .

  14. 玄武岩纤维棉对混合料的改善作用优于玄武岩短切纤维和普通玄武岩纤维,普通玄武岩纤维的改善效果最差。

    Basalt fiber cotton mixture is superior to the improvement of basalt chopped fiber and regular basalt fiber , the effect of basalt fiber is worst .

  15. 本文对针刺短切纤维毡复合材料的结构与性能进行了研究,通过分析,建立了其细观力学模型,并在此基础上导出了反映其宏观力学性能的弹性模量及强度预测公式。

    The structure and properties of knitted fabrics composite are discussed . The formulas for calculating the modulus and strength of the mechanical properties were derived by the micro-mechanical model .

  16. 整体型结构可以采用短切纤维注塑成型或采用连续纤维编织固化成型;装配型即传动轴由两个以上构件通过连接装配成一个整体。

    The wholeness can be produced by injection molding with short fiber or weaved and cured with continuous fiber . The transmission shaft of assembling type is assembled into an entity by two or more components .

  17. 短切纤维C/SiC、低密度针刺C/SiC与高密度针刺C/SiC复合材料的平均摩擦系数分别为:0·28,0·28与0·42;

    That the average coefficient of friction of short fiber C / SiC , low density needle punched C / SiC and high density needle punched C / SiC composites are 0.28 , 0.28 and 0.42 , respectively ;

  18. 研究探讨了芳纶1313短切纤维在氩低温等离子体不同条件(放电时间、放电功率、气体压力)下处理改性后,对芳纶1313纤维纸页性能的影响。

    This paper mainly studied the influence on the Aramid 1313 paper which was made from Aramid 1313 Floc treated in different conditions ( discharge time , discharge power , gas pressure ) by Ar low temperature plasma .

  19. 研究了热处理工艺条件、镀层中铁和钴元素含量、复合镀层的构成及短切纤维的取向对所制备的吸收剂的电磁参数的影响。

    The influence of heat treatment , mass ratio of Fe to Co in deposited coating , constitution of multi coatings and chopped fiber orientation in samples on the electromagnetic parameters of the modified SiC f absorbent was discussed .

  20. 短切碳纤维/ABS塑料复合材料

    Composite Material from Short Carbon Fiber and ABS Plastics

  21. 短切玻璃纤维(GF)增强PET复合材料的研究

    Study on PET / GF Composite Reinforced by Short GF

  22. SiO2气凝胶/短切石英纤维多孔骨架复合材料的制备与性能

    Fabrication and properties of sio_2-aerogel / short silica fiber porous skeleton composite

  23. 短切炭纤维的CVI处理及其在CFRC中的分散性

    CVI treatment of short carbon fibers and their dispersion in CFRC

  24. 研究了短切碳纤维/乙烯基酯树脂导电性与短切碳纤维含量、长径比、纤维取向的关系及其PTC效应。

    The electrical conductivity and PTC effect of chopped-carbon fiber filled vinyl - ester resin composites were studied .

  25. 短切碳纤维复合材料对8mm波吸收性能研究

    Study on absorbing properties of composites filled with chopped carbon fiber at bands of 8 mm

  26. 具体研究了短切碳纤维(毡)混凝土叠层梁的温敏性和Seebeck效应,并实施了温度、温差在线检测;

    The temperature-sensing and Seebeck effects of carbon fiber ( mat ) reinforced concrete were researched .

  27. 本实验通过适量加入增韧剂和增容剂,较大提高了挤出的复合材料丝的韧性及力学性能,从而使制备出的短切玻璃纤维增强复合材料适用于熔融沉积制造(FDM)工艺。

    The toughness and mechanical properties of the resultant composite filament from injection molding machine are improved so as to be used for FDM ( Fused Deposition Manufacturing ) process .

  28. 本文研究了不同长度和含量的短切碳纤维复合材料在8mm波段(26.5~40GHz)的吸收性能。

    Millimeter wave absorbing properties of reinforced composites with different length and content of chopped carbon fiber are investigated at the bands of 8mm ( 26.5-40 GHz ) .

  29. 鉴于短切碳纤维和碳纤维毡水泥基复合材料(CFCC)具有很好的压敏性,对CFCC的压敏性进行了应用研究。

    Carbon fiber cement composite ( CFCC ) showing its excellent piezoelectricity , the application of its piezoelectricity was studied .

  30. 本文采用的修复胶体系配方组成为酚醛树脂+纳米SiO2粉+石墨粉+ZrO2粉+短切碳纤维,按正交设计法做配方实验。

    The adhesive is used to remedy them . In this paper , the adhesive is composed of phenolic resin , nano-SiO_2 powder , graphite powder , ZrO_2 powder and chopped carbon fiber , and formulas are designed by orthogonal method .