
yá mǎi jiā
  • Jamaica
牙买加[yá mǎi jiā]
  1. 牙买加是两百多万人的家乡。

    Jamaica is home to over two million people .

  2. 庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。

    Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival .

  3. 牙买加的雷盖音乐完全不同于北美的爵士乐或布鲁斯音乐。

    Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues .

  4. 长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。

    The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica .

  5. 她是个混血(英国和牙买加)伦敦人。

    She 's a Londoner of mixed parentage ( English and Jamaican )

  6. 布尔默公司是巴黎水和牙买加红带拉格啤酒的英国分销商。

    Bulmer is the UK distributor for Perrier and the Jamaican lager Red Stripe

  7. 牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。

    The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

  8. 雷盖音乐得到了一整个国家人民的支持,这个国家就是牙买加——这一点上它无疑是独一无二的。

    Reggae must be the only music that 's got its own country — Jamaica

  9. 他整整一个月都沉浸在牙买加影迷们的追捧中。

    He has spent a month basking in the adulation of the fans back in Jamaica

  10. 他1948年赢得400米冠军,成为牙买加第一位奥运会金牌得主。

    He became Jamaica 's first Olympic gold medallist when he won the 400m title in 1948

  11. 我最初到那里是为了寻根,探访我妈妈的故乡牙买加岛。

    I first went there to trace my roots , visiting my mum 's home island of Jamaica

  12. 迈尔斯去了牙买加度假。

    Myles vacationed in Jamaica

  13. 作为第一代学生和牙买加移民,去年秋天尼杰·威廉姆斯进入大学时,对高等教育的严格学业要求毫无准备。

    When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first-generation student and Jamaican immigrant , he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education .

  14. 沃特豪斯,牙买加最贫穷的社区之一,是一个充满暴力且人口过剩的地方。

    Waterhouse , one of the poorest communities in Jamaica , is a really violent and overpopulated place .

  15. 在北京奥运会上,她成为第一位获得100米奥运金牌的牙买加女子,从而扫除了人们对她能否稳定发挥的怀疑。

    At the Beijing Olympic she swept away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 meters Olympic gold .

  16. 她在牙买加最艰苦的市中心社区之一沃特豪斯长大,与母亲和两个兄弟住在只有一个房间的公寓里,四个人睡在一张床上。

    She grew up in one of Jamaica 's toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse , where she lived in a one-room apartment , sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers .

  17. 他们的合作很快产生了成果,几年后,在2008年初的牙买加奥运会上,当时世界排名仅为70位的谢莉·安击败了牙买加无人能敌的短跑皇后。

    Their cooperation quickly produced results , and a few year later at Jamaica 's Olympic games in early 2008 , Shelly Ann , who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world , beat Jamaica 's unchallenged queen of the sprint .

  18. 在牙买加、英格兰东北部以及加拿大和美国部分地区,主要的商业区则用FrontStreet表示。

    In Jamaica , North East England and some sections of Canada and the United States , the main commercial district is Front Street .

  19. 年在从牙买加开往英格兰的船上,伊莉莎白·马什,这位英国皇家海军部队造船匠的女儿在母亲的肚中经历了她第一次的航海远行。

    The daughter of a shipwright in the Royal Navy , Elizabeth Marsh had her first sailing adventure as she travelled in her mother 's womb from Jamaica to England in 1735.1735

  20. 国际海底管理局(InternationalSeabedAuthority)的权威性亦可能引发争议,这个设在牙买加的机构负责管理未被任何国家申领的土地。

    One potentially contentious area is the authority of the International Seabed Authority , the Jamaica-based body that governs territory unclaimed by any state .

  21. 中国人均GDP刚过3000美元,分别是英国、美国的1/15、1/20,在世界排名第104位,排在牙买加和纳米比亚之后。

    China 's per capita GDP has just passed 3000 US dollars . UK and US are 15 to 20 times that of China . China is behind Jamaica and Namibia .

  22. Molly来自牙买加,她的孩子被权威人士取走了,我和她在纽约市布鲁克林区住那段时间,她经常非常的沮丧。

    Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I lived with her in Brooklyn .

  23. 牙买加新闻部长对CNN新闻说警方已经进入飞机并把歹徒制服,没有人员伤亡。

    Jamaica 's information minister tells CNN police were able to board the plane and the gunman . No injuries have been reported .

  24. 斯图尔特鲍多克(stuartbaldock)是法国房产公司propertyvisionfrance的代理,客户遍布全球,包括牙买加、阿联酋、俄罗斯、印度以及美国的买家。

    Stuart Baldock of property vision France has worked with a wide range of nationalities including buyers from Jamaica , UAE , Russia , India and the US .

  25. 1907年大卫·赫德(DavidHurd)从牙买加移民到美国纽约,在那里他为了谋生从事了多份工作。

    David Hurd had moved from Jamaica to New York City in 1907 where he took on all sorts of jobs to earn his keep .

  26. 亨利表示:因为我来自牙买加这样一个开放而小型的经济体,所以,我对全球经济的重要性有切身的体会。他于今年1月接任纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)斯特恩商学院院长一职。

    Because I come from a place like Jamaica , which is a small , open economy , I viscerally get the importance of the global economy , says Prof Henry , who took up his post at New York University 's Stern in January .

  27. 《藻海无边》叙述的故事发生在19世纪3O年代在英国的殖民统治中取得独立的牙买加。

    Wide Sargasso Sea describes the story taking place in Jamaica which gained independence in the 1830s from the British Government .

  28. 新定的演员将会和之前确定哈里王子的出演人MurrayFraser和她的未婚妻也就是梅根的扮演者美籍牙买加演员ParisaFitz-Henley一起出演。

    They join the previously announced Murray Fraser who plays the lead role of Harry , while Jamaican-American Parisa Fitz-Henley stars as his fiance .

  29. 皮特咖啡(Peet’sCoffee)正在以45美元的价格,出售半磅装的牙买加蓝山咖啡(JamaicaBlueMountain),第一批是上周三烘烤的,第二批定于这周烘烤。

    Peet 's Coffee is selling a half-pound bag of scarce Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee , one batch roasted on Wednesday and the second scheduled for roasting next week , for $ 45 .

  30. 与星虎号客机一样,阿里尔星号(StarAriel)也是一驾图多尔四引擎客机,原定于1949年1月17日由百慕大(Bermuda)飞往牙买加(Jamaica),机上共有7名机组人员和13名乘客。

    A Tudor IV aircraft , like the Star Tiger , left Bermuda on January 17 , 1949 , with seven crew members and 13 passengers en route to Jamaica .