
jūn shì shè shī
  • military installation
  1. 该建筑被改造成了一处秘密军事设施。

    The building was turned into a secret military installation .

  2. 1976年,在新泽西州FortDix的一处军事设施中发现病毒。

    In ' 76 , the virus was detected in a single military installation , at Fort Dix , New Jersey .

  3. 因此,为了掩护我军重要军事设施和作战装备,隐蔽军事行动,迫切需要研究对SAR系统的有效干扰技术。

    To cover our armies ' important equipment and the furnishment of battle , take cover operation , it urgently needs to study effective technique aiming at SAR system jamming .

  4. 我将去参观这里最机密的军事设施。

    I 'm to visit the most secret military installations here .

  5. 甚至到了今天,也只有他们的军事设施可以帮助我们强大起来。

    Even today their presence is only going to make Australia stronger .

  6. 当前,在军事设施中已经严格限制使用移动磁盘。

    Use of the drives is now severely restricted throughout the military .

  7. 那专制君主拥有最精良的军事设施可供其使用。

    The absolute monarch has the most perfect military machine at his command .

  8. 守卫有权逮捕任何闯入军事设施的人。

    The guards were authorized to arrest whoever wandered into this military installation .

  9. 美国允许英国特谴队使用美军军事设施。

    British task force was allowed to use the U. S. military installations .

  10. 沙特阿拉伯:禁止对政府大楼、军事设施和宫殿拍照。

    Saudi Arabia : Photographing government buildings , military installations and palaces is prohibited .

  11. 但他警告,“它们也可以改造为军事设施”。

    But he warned that " they could be turned over to military facilities " .

  12. 军事设施建设项目环境影响评价有关问题分析及建议

    The Relative Problem Analysis and Suggestion of Environmental Impact Assessments of Military Facilities Construction Items

  13. 目前,军事设施的环境管理体系是透过一些不同的结构模型。

    Currently , military installation EMS is delivered through a number of different structural models .

  14. 开放、开发军事设施。

    Opening and developing military facilities .

  15. 白塔,龙岗头的军事设施。俺爬山也就到此为止。

    White Tower , for military use , I dare not go any further from here .

  16. 周边地区的城镇和工商业以海军基地和其他军事设施为依托而发展。

    Cities and businesses in the region have grown around that base and other military facilities .

  17. 像城市一样大的军事设施。

    Installations as big as cities .

  18. 补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店:军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施。

    A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents , usually located on a military installation .

  19. 讨论了这两类材料在工业、建筑业、军事设施方面的应用实例。

    The two materials how to apply to industry , building and military equipment are discussed finally .

  20. 碉楼是中国古代建筑中的军事设施,具有特殊的历史文化内涵。

    Blockhouse is the ancient military establishment in China , and has special historical and cultural meanings .

  21. 近来金敬姬陪同金正日在全国各地视察军事设施的次数更多了。

    Kim Kyong-hui has been more frequently accompanying the dictator on his trips to installations around the country .

  22. 阿伯塔巴德距离巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡有两个小时的车程,当地有大量军事设施。

    Abbottabad is a two-hour drive from Islamabad , the Pakistani capital , and has a large military .

  23. 德国在占领青岛时期修建了数量众多,观赏及艺术价值极高的军事设施,目前大部分保存较为完好。

    During the occupation period , Germany constructed a large number of military facilities , which has high value now .

  24. 周二,他在澳大利亚达尔文参观了新建的军事设施,这里将成为美军在澳大利亚的非永久海军基地。

    On Tuesday , he was in Darwin to visit new facilities that will house a semi-permanent Marine presence in Australia .

  25. 水下蛙人对于港口、码头和军事设施等目标构成了重要威胁。

    Underwater diver has been an important threat to the targets such as : port , dock and some military facilities .

  26. 同时,布什总统呼吁以色列从西岸和加沙地区撤军并停止建造军事设施。

    Mr. Bush also called on Israel to withdraw its forces from the West Bank and Gaza and to stop building settlements .

  27. (一旦台还开战)如此多的导弹将迅速摧毁台湾的军事设施,以至于在美军反应过来以前战争就结束了。

    Salvoes of them might devastate Taiwan 's military infrastructure so quickly that any war would be over before America could respond .

  28. 在此期间,它将随着这个地区紧张局势的缓和逐步减少它在台湾的武装力量和军事设施。

    In the meantime , it will progressively reduce its forces and military installations on Taiwan as the tension in the area diminishes .

  29. 吉尔吉斯政府官员说,他们将在适当的时候讨论这个设施将何去何从。这个军事设施是按年出租的。

    Kyrgyz government officials say they will discuss the fate of the facility , which has an annual lease , at an appropriate time .

  30. 但他谴责伊拉克总统萨达姆将平民安排在军事设施内,置他们于险地。

    But he condemned Saddam , the president of Iraq for placing civilians within a military installation , and placing them in a dangerous situation .