
bǎi yè chuāng
  • window-shades;shades;window-blinds;blinds;window shutter;shutter;Venetian blind;louvre
百叶窗 [bǎi yè chuāng]
  • (1) [window shutter]∶一种用来遮蔽阳光照射或遮蔽视线的特殊的窗,其上有固定的或活动的遮板

  • (2) [shutter]∶窗的活动的遮板或屏饰(如为了遮光、遮断视线或挡住通路)

百叶窗[bǎi yè chuāng]
  1. 母亲正躺在床上,百叶窗已经拉了下来。

    Mother was lying on her bed , with the blinds drawn .

  2. 她走到窗前,拉起了百叶窗。

    She went to the window and raised the blinds

  3. 他正忙着用板条钉牢所有的百叶窗和门。

    He was busy battening down all the shutters and doors .

  4. 她打开了百叶窗,向外俯视着村里房子的屋顶。

    She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs .

  5. 克里斯拉开百叶窗,走到了阳台上。

    Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony .

  6. 下午三时左右,店主们开始放下百叶窗。

    In mid-afternoon , shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters

  7. 灰泥上出现多条大裂缝,绿色百叶窗也褪色了。

    There were huge cracks in the plaster , and the green shutters were faded

  8. 学校和政府办公楼都关闭了,许多商店的百叶窗也一直关着。

    Schools and government offices have been closed , and many shops remain shuttered .

  9. 可以调节百叶窗使光线亮一些,也可以暗一些。

    You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade

  10. 斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。

    Cracks of light filtered through the shutters

  11. 窗户上没有百叶窗,有几扇门也歪歪扭扭的。

    There were no shutters at the windows , and some of the doors hung askew .

  12. 我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。

    I opened a shuttered window

  13. 这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新铺的瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。

    The stone-built property is in good condition , with a new tiled roof , shuttered windows and electric heating .

  14. 半掩的百叶窗和宁静、通风的高大房间催我入睡,我很快便打起盹来。

    With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me , I soon fell into a doze

  15. 别忘了拉上百叶窗。

    Don 't forget to draw the curtains .

  16. 他放下百叶窗。

    He pulled down the blinds .

  17. 他拉起了百叶窗。

    He elevated the blinds .

  18. 雾霾净化塔由45块银色金属板组成,外形类似半开的百叶窗,塔内有一个连续低噪音运行的空气净化器。

    Comprised of 45 silver plates resembling partially2 open window blinds , the tower contains an air-purifying machine that runs continuously with a low hum .

  19. CNC冲床上的百叶窗精密模具设计与制造

    Precision Die Design And Manufacture of Persian Blinds on CNC Punch

  20. V型百叶窗过滤器内部流场的边界条件的处理

    Disposal of Boundary Condition Concerning Internal Flow Field of a V-baffle Louver Filter

  21. MEMS热控百叶窗仿真与实验研究

    Simulation and Experimental Research of MEMS Shutters for Thermal Control

  22. CCWang的模型用于计算百叶窗形翅片管式蒸发器的表面换热系数及压降。

    The surface heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop of louver fin evaporators were calculated with C C Wang 's model .

  23. 车用百叶窗翅片式热交换器空气侧性能的CFD研究

    CFD study on the air side performance of an automobile louvered-fin type heat exchanger

  24. 除一般照明外,盒子还有内置LED阅读台灯,而窗户也配备电动百叶窗来保护隐私。

    In addition to general lighting , the box has built-in LED reading lamps while windows are equipped with electric-drive blinds for privacy .

  25. 本文建立了百叶窗翅片的三维模型,运用CFD商业软件FLUENT对其内部空气流动和温度分布情况进行数值模拟。

    In this paper , three dimensional simulations on the air side heat transfer and flow performance of louvered fins were carried out with the CFD software FLUENT .

  26. 随着微小航天器的发展,其对器件轻量化的要求越来越高,传统的MEMS百叶窗等热控器件因其体积大、质量重、结构复杂等特点而难以应用于微小卫星。

    With the development of the small spacecraft , there is a growing demand to reduce its weight . Traditional thermal controller parts like MEMS shutters are difficult to meet the requirements because of their heavy quality and big volume .

  27. 关注这些细节的宾馆也不是没有,比如离汉森所在的地方不远就是CitizenM酒店的时代广场店。在这家酒店,客人用一款三星(Samsung)平板电脑就能控制客房的灯光、百叶窗和室内温度。

    A hotel with attention to these details does exist . Hanson need only cross town to visit the CitizenM Times Square , where guests can control a room 's lighting , blinds , and temperature with a Samsung tablet computer .

  28. 分析了GL03型过滤器的过滤机理,同时重点介绍了其过滤性能上的优点,并将之与国内长期使用的VV格百叶窗进行对比。

    This paper analyses filtration mechanism of type GL03 filter , especially presents the advantages of its filter capability , and compares it with traditional VV grid shutter .

  29. 他关上百叶窗,以挡住下午是阳光。

    He shut the blinds to keep out the afternoon sun .

  30. 金属百叶窗,以反映和解散该计划的环境。

    Metal louvers , to reflect and dissolve the planned surroundings .