
  • Budweiser;Bud Light;Budweiser Beer
  1. 涉足音乐节对于百威啤酒(Budweiser)来说是一项非常容易做出的决定。

    For Budweiser ( BUD ) , getting into the festival business was an easy decision .

  2. 哦!对方竟举起了冰冻百威啤酒!

    Oh , they hold up the icy cold Budweiser !

  3. 相反,百威啤酒认为,与联合劝募会(UnitedWay)联合打造的百威美国造音乐节不仅是一次反馈社区的机会,也是一种在个人层面连接消费者的方式。

    Instead Budweiser saw an opportunity to give back to the community via the Budweiser Made in America 's festival partnership with United Way , but it was also a way to connect with consumers on a personal level .

  4. 而最近这条标语出现在YouTube上的视频中,而该视频则来自安海斯-布希公司百威啤酒的官方网站。

    It was recently shown up in a YouTube video from Bud Light 's on the beer 's official website .

  5. 先生,很抱歉我们已经没有百威啤酒了。

    Sir , I am sorry we ran out of Budweiser .

  6. 我喜欢未被晃动的瓶装百威啤酒。

    And I like my Budweisers from the bottle and not shaken .

  7. 你能给我拿一些玉米片和百威啤酒吗?

    Could you bring me some nachos and two budweisers ?

  8. 据报道,奥巴马将用百威啤酒招待他们。

    Reportedly , Obama is going to serve them Budweiser .

  9. 等你回来,我给你来个“百威啤酒”疗法!

    And when you get back , we 'll do some Budweiser therapy .

  10. 我想在超市买点百威啤酒,但是他们拒绝卖给我!

    I was trying to grasp some Budweiser at sumpermarket but they eighty-sixed me .

  11. 做先生的扛起一箱百威啤酒,放进推车里。

    The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart .

  12. 多亏有了让人记忆深刻的百威啤酒广告,这句现如今流传甚广的“最近混得怎么样”开始为人所知。

    Thanks to the memorable Budweiser commercial , the famous " Waaasssuuuppp " phrase was introduced .

  13. 该公司几乎拥有你所听说过的所有啤酒品牌,包括百威啤酒,时代啤酒,贝克啤酒。

    It ownspractically every beer you 've ever heard of , from Budweiserto Stella Artois to Beck 's.

  14. 这种啤酒和青岛还有百威啤酒完全不同,它是黑色的,口感很醇厚的啤酒,而且略带一些苦味。

    Unlike beers like Tsingtao and Budweiser , this is a dark and smooth beer with a slightly bitter flavor .

  15. “当人们想到伟大的音乐和打造出这种音乐的品牌时,我们希望他们想到的是百威啤酒。”

    He continued , " when people think of great music and the brands that enable it , we want them to think of Budweiser . "

  16. 为了表现出对伟哥高涨的热情和期待,69岁的百威啤酒公司退休包装工头约翰。道林刚刚半开玩笑地要求开具1000片的处方。

    Reflecting the very height of exuberance and expectation , John Dowling , 69 , a retired packaging foreman for Budweiser , only half-jokingly asked for a prescription for1,000 pills .

  17. 好的,我重复一下您点的菜,一瓶百威啤酒、一份北京烤鸭、一分清蒸芥兰,调料分开、一份蛋花汤带开胃品,对吗?

    Ok , I repeat your order , one Budweiser , one Peking duck , one steamed broccoli and sauce aside , egg drop soup and appetizers to follow , all right ?

  18. 这项法令就需要改变。因为百威啤酒是国际足联的一大赞助商,于是巴西国会通过并取消了禁酒。

    So they banned beer , and that was a law that had to be changed , because of course Budweiser is a big FIFA sponsor and so , the Brazilian National Congress in fact went ahead and changed that .

  19. 安海斯拒绝讨论在全国的市场份额,但该公司表示,2006年前9个月,百威系列啤酒的销量增长了20%,哈尔滨啤酒的销量也有两位数的增长,青岛啤酒销量增长了9%。

    Anheuser declines to discuss national market share , but says that in the first nine months of 2006 volumes of its bud family climbed 20 per cent , Harbin volume was up double digits , and Tsingtao volume was up 9 per cent .

  20. 在中国多座城市推广百威金樽啤酒(BudweiserSupreme)时,该公司把一段视频映在了巨大的瓶子上,视频详细讲述了配方的起源和原料的选择。

    When Budweiser Supreme was introduced , the company projected a video detailing the recipe 's origins and ingredients onto a giant bottle in various Chinese cities .

  21. 其他广告展示了戴着白手套的服务员在餐厅为客人倒百威金樽啤酒的场景。

    Other advertisements featured Budweiser Supreme being poured in a restaurant by a waiter wearing white gloves .

  22. 该公司补充称,在中国,百威和哈尔滨啤酒(百威英博旗下另一个品牌)也得益于此类促销活动。

    In China , Budweiser and Harbin , another AB InBev brand , also benefited from such promotions , the company added .

  23. 天堂超市销量最高的品类是福佳(Hoegaarden)、科罗娜和百威等进口啤酒,每瓶售价15元人民币。

    Most of the bottles going through the checkout at Heaven are overseas varieties like Hoegaarden , Corona and Budweiser , selling for 15 renminbi .

  24. 这家公司也成为2008年百威和英博合并成“百威英博”家族后的第一个生产“百威啤酒”的子公司。

    The subsidiary becomes the first member of " the A-B InBev family " to begin making its own Budweiser since the2008 mega-merger .

  25. 但鉴于百威是国际足联主要赞助商之一,国际足联要求巴西方面修改这条旨在保护生命的法律,允许百威出售啤酒。

    But because Budweiser is one of the key sponsors of FIFA , the organization forced Brazil to change the potentially life-saving law to allow Budweiser to sell beer .