
  • 网络Yanjing Beer
  1. 燕京啤酒的案例研究结论虽然不一定具有普遍意义,但却有助于更好地理解上市公司股权再融资的决策动因以及绩效变化。

    Although the conclusion of the case study is not universal , the case study fo Yanjing contributes to make a better understanding of SEO motivation and performance .

  2. 商务部还禁止英博收购国内其它两家主要啤酒公司中国雪花啤酒(chinaresourcessnow)和北京燕京啤酒(beijingyanjing)的股份。

    MOFCOM also banned InBev from acquiring shares in two other major domestic breweries , China Resources Snow and Beijing Yanjing .

  3. 燕京啤酒怎么样?在这儿很受欢迎。

    How about Yanjing beer ? It is very popular here .

  4. 好的,没问题。一杯燕京啤酒和一杯可乐。

    A OK . No problem . One Yanjing beer , and one Coke .

  5. 在场内,燕京啤酒广告成为一项新的数百万美元赞助交易的一部份。

    Courtside : a Yanjing ad is part of a new multimillion-dollar sponsorship deal .

  6. 吧台侍应生:燕京啤酒怎么样?

    Bartender : How about Yanjing Beer ?

  7. 燕京啤酒资本运营研究

    Capital Operation Survey on Yanjing Beer

  8. 燕京啤酒目前是国宴啤酒。

    Yanjing is the official beer served at state banquets honoring foreign leaders and other dignitaries .

  9. 在北京,燕京啤酒占据了绝大部分的中、低端市场,成为当地霸主。

    In Beijing , Yanjing Beer has occupied most of middle-end and low-end market , and has been the overlord at local area .

  10. 总而言之,燕京啤酒通过股权再融资实现了跨越式发展,提高了市场占有率,但盈利能力、资产质量有待增强。

    All in all , Yanjing Beer through equity financing achieves leapfrog development , improves market share , but the profitability , asset quality is potential .

  11. 本文以燕京啤酒为案例应用科斯定理、协同理论、信息假说等理论,对其资本运营进行分析和研究;

    This article will take Yanjing Beer as an example to analyze and study its capital operation practice with Kos Theorem , Cooperation Theory , Information Hypothesis and etc.

  12. 很难说燕京啤酒和青岛啤酒是在坐以待毙两个品牌的增长都很快但两家企业近来都在致力于消化先前的收购和提高效率。

    Yanjing and Tsingtao are hardly standing still - both brands are have been growing fast - but both have recently been working to digest previous acquisitions and improve efficiencies .

  13. 本文以青岛啤酒和燕京啤酒为典型案例,分析了产业整合背景中“大吃小”和“强强联合”并购模式各自的整体绩效及具体的绩效影响因素。

    Based on the case study of Tsingtao Brewery and Yanjing Brewery , this paper analyzes the overall performance and the detail factors influencing M & A results of target firm size .

  14. 燕京啤酒是北京最大的啤酒企业,占中国啤酒出口额的11%,今天声明说它早在2002年就已经停止在啤酒中添加甲醛。

    Yanjing Beer , Beijing 's largest brewery and the producer of11 % of the nation 's beer output , said today that it stopped adding formaldehyde to its beer back in2002 .

  15. 股利政策和货币政策分别直接影响了股权再融资和债券融资的成本,燕京啤酒在大量资金需求的情况下,适当的选择融资成本较低的股权再融资。

    Dividend policy and monetary policy make a direct influence on the stock financing cost and bond financing cost . Yanjing Beer in large funding requirements , the appropriate choice is equity refinancing with lower financing costs .

  16. 首先,介绍中国啤酒发展格局,以及三大啤酒厂商:青岛啤酒,华润雪花,燕京啤酒。

    To begin with , the overview of Chinese beer market is introduced , with emphasis on the three major brewers in China : Tsingtao Beer Brewery , China Resources Snow ( CR Snow ) Brewery , and Yanjing Beer Group .

  17. 在文献方面,梳理了关于融资理论、股权再融资偏好、股权再融资对绩效影响、业绩评价体系以及燕京啤酒的研究文献,初步判断燕京啤酒的股权再融资会导致企业业绩下滑。

    Summarize the theory about financing and research on equity financing preference , the influence of equity financing , the performance evaluation system as well as Yanjing Beer . Preliminary judgment of Yanjing Beer equity refinancing will make enterprise performance declining .

  18. 本文给出的燕京啤酒核心竞争力与盈利模式、资本运营之间的关系以及资本运营评估表,对于其它企业特别是上市公司有一定的借鉴意义。

    The article provides the relationship between Yanjing Beer 's core competitiveness and profit-making mode and capital operation , together with capital operation evaluation form , all those may have a certain reference value for other corporations , particularly for those on-the-market ones .

  19. 结果表明,燕京纯生啤酒具有良好的风味质量一致性。

    Results indicate that Yanjing draft beer flavor has good uniformity .