
  • Tsingtao Beer;Tsingtao Brewery
  1. 当然,在关键的国内市场,安海斯和青岛啤酒面对的最紧迫挑战并非来自彼此,而是来自华润雪花啤酒(中国)有限公司(chinaresourcessnowbreweries)。

    Certainly , in the crucial domestic market , the most pressing challenge to both Anheuser and Tsingtao comes not from each other but from China Resources Snow Breweries .

  2. 带有ALDC基因的青岛啤酒酵母工程菌的研究

    Study of Genetic Recombinant Tsingtao Yeast with ALDC Gene

  3. 采用SDS-PAGE电泳,对青岛啤酒酿造过程中的可溶性蛋白质变化进行了动态的跟踪。

    The dynamic change of protein during Qingdao beer brewing was detected by SDS PAGE with an aim of understanding protein better at producing scale .

  4. 1993年7月,青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)成为第一家在香港证交所上市的中国内地企业,创造了历史。

    In July 1993 , Tsingtao Brewery made history when it became the first mainland Chinese company to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  5. 中国青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)终于启动了自己拖延已久的国际业务创建行动,将在东南亚生产啤酒,供应当地市场。

    China 's Tsingtao Brewery has finally launched its long-delayed drive to establish an international business by making beer locally for the south-east Asian market .

  6. 青岛啤酒表示,解聘境外审计师罗兵咸永道会计师事务所(pwc)将“有助提高效率及降低披露成本”。

    The brewery said the proposed dismissal of its overseas auditor , PwC , would " improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of disclosure " .

  7. 而包括贵州茅台(KweichowMoutai)和青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)在内的中国酒厂不得不出面否认互联网上关于它们的产品含有致癌物质的报告。

    And China liquor makers , from Kweichow Moutai to Tsingtao Brewery , were forced to deny internet reports that their products contained carcinogens .

  8. 特别提供:混合饮料10元,青岛啤酒10元,购票者均可获得一个免费尝试阿拉伯水烟SHISHA的机会。

    What 's special : mixed drink rmb10 , Tsingdao beer rmb10 and a free sample for the Arabian SHISHA .

  9. 论文的最后部分对青岛啤酒实施EVA绩效评价体系的应用效果进行了案例分析,并指出了目前影响我国实施EVA绩效评价效果的影响因素。

    In the last part of the thesis , it analyze the application effect of EVA performance measurement system which is carried on by Tsingtao Brewery Company Listed , and points out the influence factors of applying the EVA in Chinese listed companies .

  10. 2010年,克利夫兰骑士队与中国青岛啤酒股份有限公司(TsingtaoBreweryCo.Ltd.)签订了一份价值数百万美元的营销协议。黄健华后来澄清,他个人与克利夫兰骑士队没有任何利害关系。

    In 2010 the Cavaliers signed a multi-million dollar marketing deal with Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Huang later clarified that he did not hold any stake personally in the Cavaliers .

  11. 青岛啤酒川渝市场营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research on TSingtao Beer in Sichuan & Chongqing Region

  12. 我希望你有机会尝一尝青岛啤酒。

    I hope you get a chance to taste Qingdao Beer .

  13. 青岛啤酒街:彰显百年青啤魅力

    THE BEER STREET A Hundred Years of Tsingtao Beer Charms

  14. 青岛啤酒和崂山啤酒与国内外啤酒的元素对比分析

    The study on the element composition of Tsingtao beer and Laoshan beer

  15. 那里供应青岛啤酒,但可口可乐和咖啡就没有了。

    Qingdao beer was available ; Coca Cola and coffee were not .

  16. 这也是网站的青岛啤酒。

    It is also the site of the Tsingtao Brewery .

  17. 百年青岛啤酒文化,在世界上广泛传扬。

    Tsingtao beer culture centuries , the wide spread in the world .

  18. 青岛啤酒很受我们客人的欢迎。

    Tsing tao beer is very popular with our guests .

  19. 你们有中国产的青岛啤酒吗?

    Do you have Tsintao Beer produced in China ?

  20. 蕴含深厚底蕴的啤酒博物馆,讲述着青岛啤酒历史的变迁,展示着啤酒厂的兴旺与发展。

    The informative Beer Museum displays the history of development of Tsingtao Beer .

  21. 当然,这儿也有青岛啤酒。

    We also serve Tsing Tao Beer here .

  22. 青岛啤酒率先迈出这一步后,其它公司也会跟进。

    Where Tsingtao leads , others will follow .

  23. 青岛啤酒,酿自矿泉,饮誉五洲。

    Tsingtao Beer Brewed with mineral water enjoys a reputation all over the world .

  24. 青岛啤酒提高盈利水平的发展路径就是向高端品牌发展战略。

    Tsingtao beer improving the profit level of development path is high-end brand development strategy .

  25. 我可以向您推荐青岛啤酒配餐吗?它非常合适。

    May I suggest Tsingtao beer with your meal ? It does well with it .

  26. 两个女士要一杯香槟和一杯椰子汁,再来两杯散装青岛啤酒。

    One champagne and one coconut water for the ladies and two draught Qingdao beer .

  27. 我们有青岛啤酒、蓝带啤酒、生力啤酒和珠江啤酒。

    We have Qingdao Beer , Blue Ribbon Beer , Shengli Beer , and Zhujiang Beer .

  28. 请准备一些青岛啤酒、滨酒、台酒和新奇士橙汁。

    Please prepare some Qin Dao Beer , Champagne , Mao Tai and Sunkist Orange Juice .

  29. 一杯青岛啤酒,我这就给您拿来,先生。

    One Tsing Tao beer . I 'll bring it to you right away , sir .

  30. 青岛啤酒闯台湾

    Qingdao Beer Marches Into Taiwan