
  • 网络qingdao technological university
  1. 青岛理工大学安全工程专业实验室建设探讨

    Discussion on building of safety engineering laboratory in Qingdao Technological University

  2. 介绍了我国安全工程专业发展概况、存在的问题及青岛理工大学安全工程专业现状。

    The development circumstances of safety engineering specialty in our country , existent questions and safety engineering specialty actuality of Qingdao Technological University were simply introduced .

  3. 通过对青岛理工大学边界形态发展历程的分析与总结,在提出现存问题的基础上,明确了规划的设计目标和总体构思,并在具体的设计方案中加以体现。

    Through summing up the development of the border in Qingdao Technological University , on the basis of the existing problems , defined the objectives and planning concept , and design specific programmes to be reflected .

  4. 参与新的教学模式的学生是青岛理工大学非英语专业2007级24个班级的学生,使用的教材是《新视野大学英语》。

    The subjects of this study are the non-English majors from 24 classes of Grade 2007 who use the textbook of New Horizon College English and four teachers who are responsible for the English teaching of these classes .