
bǎi fēn bǐ
  • percentage;proportion in percentage
百分比 [bǎi fēn bǐ]
  • [percentage;proportion in percentage] 用百分之几表示的整体的一部分;百分的比率

  • 按百分比计算

  • 收入越高,储蓄的百分率就越大

百分比[bǎi fēn bǐ]
  1. 有资格的选民中投票的百分比是多少?

    What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots ?

  2. 它是以百分比的形式表示的。

    It is expressed as a percentage .

  3. 瑞士的失业率上升到了0.7%,这个百分比仍然不算太高。

    Swiss unemployment rose to the still modest rate of 0.7 %

  4. 你和你该死的百分比都见鬼去吧!

    A plague on you and your damned percentages !

  5. 威士忌含有酒精的百分比很高。

    Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol .

  6. 一个很小的数字即使以很大的百分比增长,它往往还是很小。

    Even when a tiny number grows by a large percentage terms , it is often still tiny .

  7. 摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙最近表示愿意这样做,他指出,过去10年来,银行和商户一直在就交换费(它们所持有的交易价格的百分比)相互起诉,而没有处理日益严重的黑客问题。

    JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently expressed his willingness to do so , noting that banks and merchants have spent the past decade suing each other over interchange fees — the percentage of the transaction price they keep — rather than deal with the growing hacking problem .

  8. 图形对于传递信息是是非常有用的工具,特别是数字、百分比和其它数据。

    Graph can be a very useful tool for conveying information especially numbers , percentages , and other data .

  9. 图形通常用于显示百分比;整个饼图表示100%,因此每一块都是整个饼图的一小部分。

    The graph is commonly used to show percentages ; the whole pie represents l00 percent , so each piece is a fraction of the whole .

  10. 花旗集团净亏损在2008年,排除的百分比比较

    Citigroup posted a net loss in 2008 , obviating a percentage comparison .

  11. 如果你在这份合同上签字,我就会给你减免一个百分比。

    On condition of your signing this contract , I will deduct a percentage .

  12. 其中17841种源的多态位点百分比P最高达76.2%,其次是17834种源达73.6%。

    The provenance of 17841 is the most one with 76.2 % at P values , so is 17834 with 73.6 %

  13. 死亡细胞百分比:A组(1.5±0.6)%,B组(0.3±0.1)%。

    Dead cell percentage : Group A ( 1.5 ± 0.6 ) % and Group B ( 0.3 ± 0.1 ) % .

  14. 结果正常细胞百分比:A组(2.5±1.0)%,B组(78.8±6.6)%;

    RESULTS Normal cell percentage : Group A ( 2.5 ± 1.0 ) % and Group B ( 78.8 ± 6.6 ) % ;

  15. 各组心肌带各段占整体的长度、重量百分比差异无统计学意义(P值均大于0·05);

    There 's no significant difference of the length percentage and weight percentage of different segment in different species hearts ( P > 0.05 ) .

  16. AvgCPUTime是CPU使用时间的平均百分比。

    Avg CPU Time is the average percentage of time that the CPU was in use .

  17. 如果以DynamicQueryMode执行报告,则度量值单元的百分比值将变为所有Country行百分比总和。

    If this report is executed using Dynamic Query Mode , the percentage values for the measure cells change to become the percentage of total for all the Countries .

  18. 为此,我们开发了一个能在国产0520微型机,以及IBMPc/XT,PC/AT上运行的通用统计图形软件,它能绘制直方图、折线图、百分比图,或条形百分比图。

    We developed a statistics graphics software that is running on 0520 microcomputer made in China , IBM pc / XT , PC / AT .

  19. 去除同样百分比的BoD,则需要补加药剂处理。

    The removal of the same percentage of BoD will require supplementary chemical treatment .

  20. 有一部分同胞,其畸变染色体在A~G各组内的分布百分比及畸变类型也与患者的相似。

    The distribution percentages of the aberration chromosomes among A ~ G groups and the aberration types of their brothers or sisters are similar to those of the patients .

  21. 用户键入一个数字、货币或百分比时,您都需要获得该信息,而且需要它的格式是能用来创建Number对象的格式。

    Once a user types in a number , currency , or percentage , you need to get that information , and you need it in a form that you can create a Number object with it .

  22. 血清乳酸脱氢酶与C反应蛋白、肌酸激酶同工酶有明显的相关性,与白细胞数、中性粒细胞百分比、血沉、肌酸激酶、年龄、性别、民族、病毒感染类型相关性无意义。

    Serum LDH correlated significantly with CRP , CK-MB , and associated meaningless the WBC , NE % , ESR , CK , age , gender , nationality , and type of viral infection .

  23. 结果发现:与AS模型组比较,API预防用药能够显著减少主动脉脂质斑块面积百分比(P<0.01)。

    Results showed that in API treated group , the percentage of plaques covering aortic intima was reduced significantly ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  24. 有GERD症状或食管炎的卧位有效蠕动百分比明显低于立位(P0.05)。

    Percentage of effective peristalsis during supine was lower than upright position in patients with GERD symptom or reflux esophagitis .

  25. 结果吡格列酮可以抑制高糖高胰岛素诱导的心肌成纤维细胞数量、DNA合成及S+G2+M期细胞的百分比增加,并呈一定的剂量依赖性。

    Results Pioglitazone inhibited the cell number 、 DNA synthesis and the percentage of S + G_2 + M in the cell cycle of cultured cardiac fibroblasts induced with high glucose and high insulin .

  26. 根据平衡常数与温度的关系,求出非离子氨百分比a(pH,t)的表达式。

    Based on the relation of equilibrium constant with temperature , the function a ( pH , T ) is derived by means of regression analysis , which formulates thea variation with temperature and pH.

  27. 结果伤后1、3d、1、2周的凋亡细胞百分比分别为14%、27%、78%、44%;

    Results The percent of apoptotic cells on day 1 , day 3 , week 1 and week 2 after nerve injury were 1.4 % , 2.7 % , 7.8 % and 4.4 % respectively .

  28. 最后,利用荧光实时定量PCR法检测正畸患者龈下菌斑中P.gingivalis及其占总菌群的百分比是快捷且准确的。

    And using real-time PCR to test P.gingivalis percentage in the total bacteria in subgingival plaque was sensitive and rapid .

  29. 通过控制TiC的百分比和烧结过程可以达到细化晶粒的目的,这些都有利于得到较好的力学性能。

    Controlling the TiC contents and sintering process could optimize the grain size of the intragranular TiC , which helps to obtain good mechanical properties .

  30. 结果:DNA缺口末端原位标记法检测仅在照射后24h组发生凋亡特染细胞,其百分比为14.3%。

    The morphological changes were observed by transmission electron microscope . Results : TUNEL-positive nuclei were found at only 24 hours after UVR exposure and the percentage is 14.3 % .