
  • 网络baise;Baise city
百色市 [bǎi sè shì]
  • 在广西壮族自治区西部、右江上游,邻接云南省。1983年设市。人口307万(1995年)。为广西西部交通及物资集散中心。名胜古迹有粤东会馆(红七军军部旧址)、清风楼(红七军政治部旧址)。

  1. 百色市离异家庭中学生心理健康干预研究

    Intervention study on the mental health status of middle school students in divorced family in Baise city

  2. 百色市移动通信基站防雷检测存在问题概述

    Baise City mobile communication base station examination existence question outline

  3. 玉米、大米的氟含量也显著高于百色市(P0.001)。

    The fluorine content of the corns and the rice were also statistical significantly higher than those in Bose city ( P0.001 ) .

  4. 百色市双高甘蔗配套栽培技术

    High Yield and Sugar Planting Techniques of Sugarcane in Baise Area

  5. 百色市香蕉采收技术现状与分析

    Current Status and Analysis on Banana-Harvesting Techniques Of Bose City

  6. 浅谈百色市小型水库除险加固建设管理

    Construction management for small-scale reservoir reinforcement works in Baise city

  7. 目的:初步探讨广西省百色市地中海贫血干预模式。

    Objective : To discuss the intervention of thalassanemia in Baise city .

  8. 百色市不同民族小学生伤害类型及危险因素分析

    Injury Types and Risk Factors Among Pupils in Different Nationalities in Baise

  9. 百色市那毕大道沿线环境影响分析

    Analysis on influencing of environment along Nabi road in Baise

  10. 百色市灾害性洪水类型及成因分析

    Classification and genetic analysis of disaster flood in Baise City

  11. 百色市水资源中具有优势的是水能资源。

    The advantage of the water resource in Baise is hydroenergy resources .

  12. 百色市医务人员的遗传咨询态度与地中海贫血预防

    Knowledge and attitudes of medical counselors and Thalassemia prevention and control in Bose

  13. 产业结构调整下地方旅游产业整合问题研究&以广西百色市为例

    A Study on Integrating Regional Tourism Industry in The Process of Industrial Upgrading

  14. 小城市边缘新区控制性规划的探索&百色市河东区控制性规划

    Exploration Controlling Planning for Border Districts of Small Cities

  15. 百色市1978~2005年猩红热流行趋势分析

    Analysis on Prevalence Trend of Scarlet Fever in Baise City from 1978 to 2005

  16. 百色市国有企业涉讼案件败诉原因及思考

    Reflection on Loss of Law Cases Involved in by State Enterprises in Baise City

  17. 百色市如何实施新一轮村村通

    How to Implement New Plan of " Village to Village " in Baise City

  18. 广西百色市中小学教师信息素养研究

    On Primary and Secondary School Teachers ' Information Literacy in Baise City , Guangxi

  19. 2007~2008年百色市碘缺乏病病情状况调查

    Survey of incidence of iodine deficiency disease in Baise City in 2007 ~ 2008

  20. 百色市正常孕妇的膳食结构及其对孕妇贫血状况的影响

    The dietary structure and its influences on anemia in normal pregnant women in Bose City

  21. 2004~2008年百色市城区托幼机构儿童单纯性肥胖状况分析

    Analysis of Simple Obesity among Children in Kindergartens of Baise City from 2004 to 2008

  22. 广西百色市田阳县平话保留了一些古语词的读音和意义。

    Some sounds and meanings of archaistic words remain in Tianyang Pinghua in Baise of Guangxi .

  23. 广西百色市田东县新生儿病毒性乙型肝炎疫苗接种情况分析

    Status of hepatitis B vaccination in newborns in Tiandong county of Baise city , Guangxi province

  24. 百色市婴幼儿秋冬季腹泻轮状病毒检测报告

    Rotavirus detection in infants and young children with diarrhea in autumn and winter months in Baise city

  25. 广西百色市农产品物流基地建设影响因素分析

    The Analysis of the Factors of the Effect on Agricultural Logistics Base Construction in Baise City of Guangxi

  26. 百色市社区中老年糖尿病危险因素与糖尿病发病关系的调查分析

    Relationship between risk factors and the attack of diabetes mellitus in the middle-old age men in Bose communities

  27. 但与发达地方县域生态建设相比,广西百色市县域生态建设起步较晚,起点较低,具有地方生态建设特殊性和特色性。

    Compare with developed region , the eco-construction of Baise is later and lower , which has local particularities and characteristics .

  28. 为了了解百色市中小学教师信息素养现状,本文在百色市实施了分层随机抽样调查研究。

    In order tolearn the present situation of primary and secondary school teachers'information literacy in Baise City , radom sampling investigation is adopted .

  29. 方法采取整群随机抽样的方法,随机抽取1855名百色市中学生,对其意外伤害的发生及心理健康状态进行问卷调查。

    Methods A cluster sampling method was conducted to perform questionnaire on 1 855 students which was selected randomly from middle schools of Baise city .

  30. 百色市中学生各因子得分明显高于全国常模(P<0.01)。

    In comparison with the national norm , the factor scores of SCL-90 were significantly higher than the national norm ( P < 0.01 ) .