
bǎi fēn háo; bǎi fēn hào
  • per cent ;percent;percent sign;D-KAF
  1. 为了说明stdin和stdout,您可在终端窗口中输入以下文本(假设前面的百分号(%)为您的shell提示符)

    To demonstrate stdin and stdout , type the following text in your terminal window ( assume that the leading percent sign ( % ) is your shell prompt )

  2. 注意,大多数元素包括用百分号(%)分开的值。

    Notice that most elements include values demarcated by percent signs ( % ) .

  3. 去掉百分号,小数点向左移动两位。

    Take out percent sign , move decimal points two places to the left .

  4. 1980年,魁北克就这个“主权-结合”方案进行了第一次公民投票,赞成票占40.44百分号,反对票占59.56百分号。

    In1980 , Quebec held the first referendums for this sovereignty-association scheme by40.44 % to59.56 % .

  5. 他考试时误将千分号写了成百分号。

    He wrote the per cent sign instead of the per thousand sign mistakenly during the exam .

  6. 这表示某些字符可能被替换为百分号(%)后跟特定的数字。

    This means that certain characters may be replaced with a percent sign ( % ) followed by a particular number .

  7. 所以就像我们采用笨拙的方式来用反斜杠来避免一些东西,在这个背景下对百分号做相同的处理。

    So just as we had to escape things with backslashes in an awkward way , same deal with percent in this context .

  8. 它们使用百分号(%)而不是与字符,可以是命名实体或外部实体。

    They use the percent ( % ) symbol instead of the ampersand , and can be either named entities or external entities .

  9. 尽管允许使用特殊字符正斜杠(/)和百分号(%),但是应该避免使用它们,因为它们会导致跨平台难题。

    Although the forward slash ( / ) and percent ( % ) special characters are allowed , avoid them because they can cause cross-platform difficulties .