
zhà yào
  • explosive;dynamite;explosive charges;chloratit
炸药 [zhà yào]
  • [explosive;dynamite] 在一定的外界能量作用下,能由其本身的能量发生爆炸的物质。炸药爆炸时,能释放出大量的热能并产生高温高压气体,对周围物质起破坏、抛掷、压缩等作用

炸药[zhà yào]
  1. 这枚炸弹装有几磅烈性炸药。

    The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive .

  2. 有人暗中在车上放了大约300磅炸药。

    The car had been rigged with about 300 lbs of explosive .

  3. 例如∶TNT、炸药或鱼雷,遇险信号、保险丝发火器,信号弹、导火线、某些类型烟花等。

    TNT , Dynamite or Torpedoes , Distress signals , Fuse igniters , Ammunition for hand weapons , for signals , Safety Fuses , certain types of Fireworks , etc.

  4. RDX粒度对某塑性炸药包覆和机械感度性能的影响硝基胍炸药的机械感度和爆炸性能研究

    Study about the Effect of RDX Particle Size on the Coating of Plastic Explosives and Its Mechanical Sensitivity Mechanical Sensitivity and Explosive Performance of Nitroguanidine ( NQ ) - based Composite Explosives

  5. 在相同装药量和场地条件下,进行了FAE与TNT炸药爆炸地震效应的对比实验,得到了地面竖向振动的时间历史记录结果。

    Under the identical charge mass and experimental field conditions , experiments are done to make comparison between the explosion seismic effects caused by FAE and TNT explosive , obtaining time histories of vertical ground vibrations .

  6. 高聚物粘结炸药包覆过程及粘结机理的初步探讨

    Adhesion and its mechanism of polymer bonded explosive

  7. 给黄色炸药加上90度的热度会怎样?

    What happens to dynamite in90-plus degree heat ?

  8. 乳胶炸药包装机的问题探讨

    An approach to emulsion explosive packing machine

  9. 炸药包在一定水深爆炸时,形成水中冲击波的运劝,同时形成水中气泡。

    When an explosive package blasts in some water depth , it produces impact waves and air pockets at same time .

  10. 有益于提高人们对粉状乳化炸药安全性的认识,为合理选择工艺条件及生产设备提供依据。

    It is beneficial to enhancing one 's knowledge of the safety of powdery emulsion explosives and provides reference basis for reasonable selection of technology and production equipment .

  11. 一人曾经尝试炸广州,结果刚一出火车站,炸药包就给飞车党抢了;

    One person tried to bomb Guangzhou , but as he came off the train , a motorcycle robber ( flying car robber ) snatched his bag ( containing the bomb ) from him ;