
zhá jī
  • fried chicken
炸鸡[zhá jī]
  1. 我告诉她是因为人们可以把它们做成炸鸡。

    I told her it was because people could make them into fried chicken .

  2. 老师问我们最喜欢的动物是什么,我说是炸鸡。

    Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was , and I said , ” Fried chicken ”

  3. 老师问我们最喜欢的动物是什么,我说:"炸鸡。"

    Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was , and I said , " Fried chicken "

  4. 在香港推出披萨味的鸡翅后,肯德基宣布推出新的鸡翅组合:炸鸡披萨。

    Following the debut of its pizza-flavored wings in Hong Kong , KFC announced yet another chicken combination : the Chizza .

  5. 看名字就知道了,就是在披萨上放了一堆炸鸡。

    Well , the name pretty much says it all : It 's a hunk of fried chicken covered in pizza toppings .

  6. 不过,如果你以为送到你家门口的礼盒装的是躺在鲜花上的一块炸鸡,那你就错了。

    But if you 're expecting a box with a piece of fried chicken on a bed of flowers to arrive at your door , think again .

  7. 为自己的毕业舞会女伴选一个能够跟她的礼服相配的手花大概是一些年轻人很头疼的事情。不过,这个毕业季,肯德基推出了一款能跟任何礼服搭配的炸鸡手花来救场。

    Choosing a corsage that matches your date 's prom dress can be a major source of anxiety for some young men , but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything .

  8. 今年,韩剧《来自星星的你》让炸鸡在禽流感时节大卖,因为剧中女主角说她在初雪时最喜欢吃“炸鸡和啤酒”。

    This year , My Love from the Star boosted sales of fried chicken amid the bird flu crisis , because the female protagonist said she adored " beer and fried chicken " as her favorite food when the first winter snow began to fall .

  9. 肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡-KFCdoubledown:两片多汁的炸鸡夹着芝士和培根

    Cheese and bacon sandwiched between two fillets of juicy fried chicken ;

  10. 还记得肯德基(KFC)在2010年推出的双层炸鸡汉堡(DoubleDown)吗?

    Remember KFC 's Double Down of 2010 ?

  11. 周二,汉堡王宣布重新推出炸鸡条(ChickenFries),该产品曾于2005年首次上市。

    On Tuesday , the company announced the revival of its Chicken Fries , which first launched in 2005 .

  12. 指甲油与味好美食品有限公司(McCormick&Company)联合制作,这是一家为肯德基炸鸡制造香料的公司。

    The polish is made in conjunction with McCormick & Company , which produces the spices for KFC 's chicken .

  13. 你可以见识一下我Jackie婶婶的周末之夜炸鸡

    You can set your watch by my Aunt Jackie 's Sunday night fried chicken .

  14. 它就是炸鸡界的诺克斯堡(FortKnox,美国国家金库所在地。——译注)。

    It is the Fort Knox of fried chicken .

  15. 银行还推出了特许经营收入担保的证券,比如餐厅连锁索尼克(Sonic)和德州炸鸡(Church'sChicken)等等。

    Bankers have also come up with securities backed by franchise revenue for the restaurant chains Sonic and Church 's Chicken , among others .

  16. 他指出,美国炸鸡连锁店肯德基(KFC)在中国十年就开了2000家分店。

    He points out that it took KFC , the US chicken chain , 10 years to open 2,000 outlets .

  17. 几乎没人比百胜餐饮集团(YumBrands)更明白这一点。它曾是最受欢迎的快餐企业,旗下的炸鸡和披萨曾称霸于面条和饺子之上。

    Few know this better than Yum Brands , a former fast-food favourite whose fried chicken and pizzas once lorded it over noodles and dumplings .

  18. Lynette有一个大家庭,大家都喜欢炸鸡。

    Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken .

  19. 4月9日,YouTube视频网站上传了一段介绍炸鸡手花的视频,视频的浏览次数达到25万次。

    A YouTube video , which has been viewed more than 250000 times , was uploaded on April 9 to introduce the novel product .

  20. LynetteScavo带了炸鸡。

    NARRATOR : Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken .

  21. 家禽饲养者称,销量急剧下滑。炸鸡连锁店肯德基(KFC)上周报告称,其业务受到严重的负面冲击。

    Poultry farmers say sales have fallen sharply and fried-chicken chain KFC last week reported a significant , negative impact on its business .

  22. 2003年,PPS快餐&美国著名的炸鸡类快餐品牌,以特许经营的形式,以一个后来者、挑战者的身份登陆中国。

    As a latecomer and challenger , PPS fast-food , the famous American fried chicken brand , came to China in 2003 in a way of franchise .

  23. 家禽饲养者称,销量急剧下滑。炸鸡连锁店肯德基(KFC)上周报告称,其业务受到“严重的负面冲击”。

    Poultry farmers say sales have fallen sharply and fried-chicken chain KFC last week reported " a significant , negative impact " on its business .

  24. 我们在伦敦的时尚欧式餐厅Delaunay的午餐吃到一半时,乔治•R•R•马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)把我盘中一大块裹着面包屑的炸鸡比作一张梦幻王国的地图。

    Halfway through lunch at the Delaunay , a fashionable European-style brasserie in London , George RR Martin compares the giant slab of breaded chicken on my plate to a map of a fantasy kingdom .

  25. 餐食:在诸多当地餐馆中,亚特兰大的标志性餐馆Paschal’s在B厅开了一个分店,供应南方的经典美食,比如炸鸡和炸鲶鱼。

    Best dining : Among many local choices , Atlanta 's landmark Paschal 's operates a satellite restaurant in Concourse B , serving Southern classics like fried chicken and catfish .

  26. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)与肯德基(KFC)建立了合作关系,中国的炸鸡粉丝很快将可以使用一种新的付款方式。

    Chinese fans of fried chicken will soon have a new way of paying for their food fix after Alibaba 's Alipay payments unit hooked up with KFC .

  27. 这款炸鸡爱好者梦寐以求的科技产品,是和中国生产商华为合作推出的,在这款限量版的华为7Plus的亮红色机身上,同时装饰有这家炸鸡连锁店的Logo和华为的Logo。

    The chicken-lover 's dream piece of tech is a collaboration with Chinese manufacturer Huawei , with both the chicken chain 's logo and Huawei 's logo adorning the bright red casing of the limited edition Huawei 7 Plus .

  28. 事实上,Lynette的生活已然变得如此令人兴奋,她甚至必须从速食店买到她的炸鸡。

    In fact , Lynette 's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant .

  29. 事实上,Lynette的生活变得如此兴奋,她不得不去快餐店买一只炸鸡。

    NARRATOR : In fact , Lynette 's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant .

  30. 今年年初,比利时‘tHuisvanLede餐厅的大厨弗雷德里克o杜格也摘掉了他的星星,理由是他想自由地做炸鸡,而不必被人们指手划脚地说“这不是一道米星林星级水平的菜”。

    Earlier this year , Chef Frederick Dhooge of ' t Huis van Lede in Belgium turned in his star because he wanted the freedom to cook fried chicken without being told it wasn 't a star-worthy dish .