
  • 网络varanasi;Varansi
  1. 如今,瓦拉纳西俨然成为手工艺术的中心。

    Nowadays Varanasi is the center of arts and crafts .

  2. 在湿婆三叉戟的尖顶上,矗立着一座城市,它就是瓦拉纳西。

    On the tip of Shiva 's trident stands a city , which is Varanasi .

  3. 因此,我们在恒河畔的瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)仔细寻找河边台阶上的死尸时,一直努力忽视路上许许多多的购物中心和麦当劳薯饼汉堡(McAlooTikki)的广告。

    That 's why we work to screen out the many shopping malls and signs for McAloo Tikki in Varanasi as we search for dead bodies near the ghats ;

  4. 瓦拉纳西是一个拥挤的城市,过去几十年来,其基础设施几乎没有什么变化。

    Varanasi is a crowded city and its infrastructure has hardly changed in the past decades .

  5. 瓦拉纳西,也叫贝拿勒斯,曾经是朝圣者和流浪者的朝拜之地。

    Varanasi , also known as Benares , has been a cult destination for pilgrims and wanderers .

  6. 去年冬天,两人拜访了死亡之城&瓦拉纳西。

    In the winter of last year , the duo visited the city of the dead , Varanasi .

  7. 瓦拉纳西盛产高端纺织品、香水、雕刻品和象牙,这使得这座城市具备巨大的工业发展潜力。

    Varanasi had a great industrial potential due to its high-end fabrics , perfumes , sculpture and ivory .

  8. 在印度北部城市瓦拉纳西,猕猴已经成为互联网服务发展道路上一个看似不可能出现的障碍。

    Macaque monkeys appear to have become an unlikely roadblock in the development of internet services in the northern Indian city of Varanasi .

  9. 印度教徒们认为瓦拉纳西是由他们的神湿婆所创,其历史可追溯到公元前12世纪。

    The Hindus believe that the city was established by God Shiva and the history of the city goes back to the 12th century BC .

  10. 维杰亚瓦达:因为严重的失误,一列开往瓦拉纳西的特快列车路线运行错误,最终停在错误的车站。

    VIJAYAWADA : In a case of serious lapse , an express train en route to Varanasi lost its way and ended up at a wrong destination .

  11. 在印度,易篑之人去诸如瓦拉纳西的圣地朝圣,以求火葬之后将骨灰撒入恒河之中。

    In India the dying make pilgrimages to sacred sites , such as Varanasi , to be cremated and released into the River Ganges , India 's holiest waterway .

  12. 瓦拉纳西,印度的圣城,坐落于恒河河畔,是世界上最古老的城市之一。

    The holy city of India , Varanasi is located on the banks of the river Ganges and it is considered to be one of the oldest cities in the world .

  13. 这是当它抵达中转站维杰亚瓦达时就出错了,由于它的方向转至北方,致其最终目的地成了印度的宗教圣地瓦拉纳西。

    It was when it arrived at an interchange at Vijayawada it went wrong , as it was due to swing north to its eventual destination of Varanasi , one of India 's holiest cities .