
  • 网络ouagadougou;Burkina faso Ouagadougou;Ougadougou
  1. 世界粮食计划女发言人EmiliaCasella称,瓦加杜古将有125000人收到救助。

    WFP Spokeswoman Emilia Casella says 125000 people in Ouagadougou will receive aid .

  2. 德州公司PageSoutherlandPage公司的托马斯·麦卡锡曾为美国设计过17座外交使馆建筑群。他为将当地传统融入到驻瓦加杜古大使馆建筑所做出的贡献感到自豪,比如,阴凉却露天的等候室和外部墙面曲折的绘画图案。

    Thomas McCarthy of Page Southerland Page , a Texan firm which has designed 17 American diplomatic compounds , is very proud of the tributes to local tradition it incorporated into the embassy in Ouagadougou , for example , in the form of a shaded but open-air waiting area and a zigzag decorative motif on the external walls .

  3. 沃尔福威茨在访问Nabonswende学校(位于瓦加杜古贫困地区的一所私立学校)时,赞扬了公营和私营部门在建立该学校时进行的合作。

    During a visit to the Nabonswende School , a private school located in a poor area in Ouagadougou , Wolfowitz praised the public-private collaboration that gave birth to the school .

  4. 我们希望通过卫星从瓦加杜古给你们作实况报道。

    We hope to bring you a live report from Ouagadougou via our satellite hook-up .

  5. 瓦加杜古区域遥感中心

    Regional Centre for Remote Sensing at Ouagadougou

  6. 请非洲各国根据《瓦加杜古宣言》,继续大力重视初级卫生保健。

    Maintain your renewed commitment to primary health care , as set out in the Ouagadougou Declaration .

  7. 卡拉当天在布基那法索首都瓦加杜古访问了一个艾滋病毒自愿咨询与检测中心。

    Karaoke at the Burkina Faso capital , Ouagadougou , visit an HIV voluntary counseling and testing center .

  8. 22个县目前已超过流行阈值,包括首都瓦加杜古的3个县。

    Twenty two districts are currently over the epidemic threshold including three districts in the capital , Ouagadougou .

  9. 今天,在当今的莫西国王所在的瓦加杜古,人们可以在很多地方看到叶尼佳的雕像。

    Today in Ouagadougou where the current king of the Mossis lives , one can see Yennenga 's statues at many places .

  10. 苏尔特这座曾富丽堂皇的瓦加杜古会议是卡扎菲大肆挥霍的地方。

    The once lush and opulent Ouagadougou complex in Sirte is the kind of place that Colonel Gaddafi liked to spend his millions .

  11. 在瓦加杜古的一家医疗中心,妇女支付4美元就能对任何有癌症迹象的细胞进行检测和治疗。

    At a medical center in Ouagadougou , women pay $ 4 for the test and treatment for any cells that show signs of cancer .

  12. 经过激烈的战斗,他们取得重大阵地,控制了宏伟的瓦加杜古会议中心及南郊的大学。

    After fierce fighting , they have made significant gains , taking the huge and opulent Ouagadougou exhibition centre and the university in the southern suburbs .

  13. 但是现在由于国家内战和危机,我住在邻国布基纳法索瓦加杜古。

    But I am presently living in Ougadougou Burkina-faso which is neighboring country to my country due to the civil war and crisis in my Country Liberia .

  14. 排在前十名的城市还有法兰克福、赫尔辛基、奥克兰和哥本哈根,而布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古排到了209名,巴格达位居211。

    Rounding out the top10 were Frankfurt , Helsinki , Auckland and Copenhagen , while scraping bottom were Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso , at209 , and Baghdad at211 .

  15. 我们的记者报道,在迦纳和布基纳法索,暴雨以导致至少32人死亡。布基纳法索150000多人因暴雨而离家避难,其中许多人是在首都瓦加杜古。联合国称,当地上周一天的降雨量相当于该国年平均降雨量的四分之一。

    Our correspondent reports , flooding has killed More than 150000 people have left their homes in Burkina Faso , many in the capital Ouagadougou , where the United Nations says the amount of rain that fell in one day last week s one-quarter of the nation 's average annual rainfall .