
  • 网络Six core;intel;Dunnington
  1. 含半填隙磷原子配体六核钴羰合簇的P(OEt)3和PPh3取代衍生物的合成和表征

    Syntheses and Characterization of Substituted Derivatives of Co_6 Carbonyl Cluster Containing a Semi-interstitial P Atom with P ( OEt ) _3 and PPh_3

  2. AMD现在已经申请了,正是这样的超低功率40W“伊斯坦布尔”-或者Opteron2419EE确切地说-六核处理器。

    AMD now has its ultra low power40W " Istanbul " - or Opteron2419EE to be precise-six-core CPUs for exactly such applications .

  3. 新款的显示屏上有足够的空间来容纳原尺寸的屏幕键盘,而且苹果公司表示新款的平板电脑加载了六核的A10XFusion芯片,是迄今为止运行最快的机型。

    There 's enough room on that screen to fit a full-size on-screen keyboard , and Apple says it 's the fastest model yet , with a six-core A10X Fusion .

  4. 这就是我们已经看到双核、四核、和六核处理器的原因。

    That 's why we 've been seeing dual - , quad - , and hexa-core processors .

  5. 结合哈尔滨都市圈自身的优劣势和空间结构的现状特征,提出了未来都市圈空间优化的模式,即沿4条轴带发展,重点发展一心六核。

    In Harbin metropolitan area own superior and inferior status of the space structure , the next metropolitan area space optimization model , along with the development of 4 axis , the focus of development as six nuclear .

  6. 核科学百年讲座第六讲核科学技术在医学中的应用

    Nuclear science in the 20th century & application of nuclear technology in medical science

  7. 第六条核两用品及相关技术出口的许可,应当遵循下列准则。

    Article VI The licensing of the export of dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies shall abide by the following guidelines .

  8. 六个核电站正在建设中或者刚刚完工,装机容量超过六百万千瓦。

    Six regional nuclear power plants are being built or have recently been completed , each capable of generating energy on the scale of gigawatts .

  9. “中西部的伊利诺伊州拥有六座核电站,是美国最大的核设施网络所在地。

    The Midwest state of Illinois , with six nuclear power plants , is home to the largest network of nuclear facilities in the United States .

  10. 居住在伊利诺伊州六座核电站附近社区的人们受邀参加会议,表达他们的担忧。

    Members of nearby communities in the shadow of one of Illinois ' six nuclear plants - like Braidwood - were invited to attend the meeting and express their concerns .

  11. 一种含1,3,5-三嗪环的六臂引发核的合成与表征

    Synthesis and characterization of a six-arm initiating core containing 1,3,5-triazine

  12. 泰和乌鸡脑桥六个神经核团的细胞构筑

    Study on the Cytoarchitecture of 6 Nuclei in Pons of Taihe Silky Fowl

  13. 日本将于今年十月重启六所村核燃料后处理设施。

    Japan is set to re-start the Rokkasho Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing this October .

  14. 运营这座核电站的东京电力公司说,星期六在福岛核电站附近海域测量的辐射碘水平超过法定限度的750万倍。

    The Tokyo Electric Power Company that operates the plant said radioactive iodine was measured Saturday at7.5 million times the legal limit in the sea near the nuclear power plant .

  15. 分析人士表示,六方去核会谈正取得令人意外的进展,金正日政府希望为其陈旧的工业寻求重油,并结束经济制裁。

    The six-party denuclearisation talks are making surprisingly good progress , analysts say , as his regime seeks heavy fuel oil for its rusting industries and an end to economic sanctions .

  16. 它有六到十二枚核装备,但可能体积有点大,无法安装在火箭上。

    It has between six and 12 nuclear devices , but they may not be small enough to put on a rocket .

  17. 此前朝鲜领导人发飙威胁要停止六方会谈关于核计划的谈判并称将会有进一步的试验进行,这些成了关于平壤报道的中心。

    Previous tantrums by the Northern leadership , threats to abandon six-party negotiations over its nuclear programme and warnings of further tests to come , are all par for the course for Pyongyang .

  18. 洛杉矶附近喷气推进实验室的任务控制工程师们承认,将一个重达一吨、装有六个轮子的核驱动探测器完好无损地送入太空是一项十分危险的任务,需要零误差操作。

    Mission control engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles acknowledge that delivering the one-ton , six-wheeled , nuclear-powered vehicle in one piece is a highly risky proposition , with zero margin for error .

  19. 伊朗与世界六大国有关伊朗核项目的谈判面临6月30日以前达成协议的最后期限,美国议员希望在此之前推动伊朗释放美国公民。

    Congressional lawmakers are pushing Iran to release the Americans as the June 30 deadline approaches for Iran to reach a deal with the United States and five other nations over the Islamic regime 's nuclear program .

  20. 虽然它的四核心“上海”Opteron处理器达到了2.3GHz的最高频率,六核心部分不得不放弃一些时钟速度,降低到1.8GHz,以管理六核热负荷。

    While its quad-core " Shanghai " Opterons reached a maximum frequency of2.3GHz , the six-core part had to give up some clock speed , down to1.8GHz , to manage the thermal load for six cores .