
  • 网络quad-core;GHz;Tegra
  1. 今年的全球移动大会(MobileWorldCongress)将公布五大趋势,包括四核处理器,更大尺寸的屏幕,以及一些售价更便宜的智能手机。

    Five of the biggest trends at this years Mobile World Congress include quad-core processors , bigger screens , and in some cases , cheaper smartphone prices .

  2. 在推出双核处理器之后,GalaxySIII这次搭载的四核处理器使它成为目前最强大的智能手机。

    Following its dual-core predecessor , Galaxy S III 's quad-core version makes it the most powerful smartphone yet .

  3. 该系统采用英特尔的RealSense3D深度传感器来扫描身体,并通过英特尔四核处理器在大约20秒的时间内获得高精度扫描。

    The system employs Intel RealSense 3D depth sensors to scan bodies and Intel Quad Core processors to derive highly accurate scans in about 20 seconds .

  4. 另外,威盛四核处理器也采用虚拟化技术,可在虚拟环境中运行旧版软体与应用,并不会增加CPU使用率。

    In addition , the VIA quad-core processors with virtualization technology also can be run in a virtual environment software and legacy applications , and will not increase the CPU utilization .

  5. 这款手机配置了高通(Qualcomm)骁龙600四核处理器,运行速度为1.7GHz,内存为2GB,在一众Android手机中十分出众。

    Inside , the phone features a Qualcomm ( QCOM , Fortune 500 ) Snapdragon 600 Quad-Core processor running at 1.7 Ghz and 2 GBs of RAM , putting it on the high end of the Android spectrum .

  6. 面对以媒体人为主的观众,首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯发布了这家在线零售业巨头的最新产品:FirePhone手机。这款手机拥有4.7英寸的屏幕,2.2GHz的四核处理器以及2GB的内存。

    CEO Jeff Bezos spoke to a crowd made up mostly of members of the media to announce the online retail giant 's newest product : the Fire phone , a device with a 4.7-inch screen , a quad-core 2.2 GHz processor and 2 gigabytes of RAM .

  7. GalaxyTab3系列平板电脑使用的各种双核处理器已被摒弃,取而代之的是新的1.2GHz四核处理器,内存从1GB扩大至1.5GB。

    The various dual-core CPUs from the Galaxy Tab 3 series have been dumped in favor of new 1.2 GHz quad-core processors and the tablets now get 1.5GB of RAM instead of just 1GB .

  8. 它标价2199美元,它搭载了一颗性能更强大的2.3GHz的英特尔i7四核处理器、8GB的RAM、256GB的固态硬盘、两个USB3.0接口、两个Thunderbolt接口,还有一块视网膜显示屏。

    For $ 2,199 , users get a more powerful 2.3 GHz quad-core Intel i7 processor , 8-gigabytes of ram , a 256 GB solid state drive , two USB 3.0 ports , two thunderbolt ports , and a retina display .

  9. 如果你要做大量的编译工作,你就想要四核处理器。

    If you do a lot of encoding , you want four cores .

  10. 这款手机还搭载了四核处理器,能够在有需要的时候提供更高的处理能力,但是有时候电池电量有点不够用。

    Quad-core processor providing more processing power when necessary but making less use of its battery at other times .

  11. 从最初的个人电脑领域到目前竞争日趋激烈的便携电子设备市场,双核处理器、四核处理器已被普遍应用。

    From the early personal computer area to competitive portable electronic device market , dual core processor and four-core processor already have been used widely .

  12. 就像智能手机一样,如果用户界面反应迟钝,哪怕它安装了一颗四核处理器,又有什么用呢?

    After all , who cares if a smartphone has a quad-core processor running under the hood if the interface running on top of it is sluggish ?

  13. 他看着幻灯片上对公司第一部手机配置的介绍,同时读到,“高通骁龙801四核处理器,”然后说:

    Looking up at a slide displaying the specs of his company 's first phone , he read , " Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 quadcore processor , " and then said :

  14. 该集群GPU实例属于HPC实例组,提供了相当于33.5EC2计算单元(基于一对IntelXeonX5570四核Nehalem处理器)的能力。

    The Cluster GPU instance belongs to the HPC group of instances , offering the equivalent of33.5 EC2 Compute Units based on a pair of Intel Xeon X5570 quad-core Nehalem processors .

  15. 比如它的视网膜屏幕,声称其像素是以往的4倍,已接近人类视觉极限,而四核图形处理器将为平板带来最流畅的操作体验。

    Its new Retina Display boasts four times as many pixels , close to the limit of human perception , and its four-core graphics processor makes the experience of what was already the smoothest tablet smoother still .

  16. 比如它的“视网膜屏幕”,声称其像素是以往的4倍,已接近人类视觉极限,而四核图形处理器将为平板带来最流畅的操作体验。

    Its new " Retina Display " boasts four times as many pixels , close to the limit of human perception , and its four-core graphics processor makes the experience of what was already the smoothest tablet smoother still .

  17. 近年来,随着微处理器的飞速发展,单核,双核甚至四核的处理器芯片已在嵌入式领域广泛使用,这使得处理器的性能的不断提高。

    In the recent years , with the rapid development of microprocessors , the single-core , dual-core or quad-core processor chips in the embedded field are widely used , which makes the continuous improvement of the performance of the processor .