
  • 网络GHz;Harpertown;Gainestown
  1. 基于四核DSP的视频交通检测系统设计

    Design of video traffic detection system based on four DSPs

  2. POP海洋模式在四核至强集群上的并行计算

    Parallel computing of POP ocean model on quad-core intel xeon cluster

  3. 在多个CUP(双核或四核)上运行多个线程可以改善性能。

    Performance improves when multiple threads run on multiple CPUs ( dual or quad-core ) .

  4. 平面型四核铜簇合物Cu4(CH2XMen)4桥键性质的密度泛函研究

    Density functional studies on bridge bond properties of square-planar tetranuclear copper clusters Cu_4 ( CH_2XMe_n ) _4

  5. 一些双核细胞及少数三、四核细胞具有Fc受体及吞噬抗体包被的鸡红细胞的能力。

    Some binuclear and a few tri - , tetranuclear cells were positive for Fc receptors and could phagocytose antibody-coated chicken red blood cells .

  6. 今年的全球移动大会(MobileWorldCongress)将公布五大趋势,包括四核处理器,更大尺寸的屏幕,以及一些售价更便宜的智能手机。

    Five of the biggest trends at this years Mobile World Congress include quad-core processors , bigger screens , and in some cases , cheaper smartphone prices .

  7. 该系统采用英特尔的RealSense3D深度传感器来扫描身体,并通过英特尔四核处理器在大约20秒的时间内获得高精度扫描。

    The system employs Intel RealSense 3D depth sensors to scan bodies and Intel Quad Core processors to derive highly accurate scans in about 20 seconds .

  8. 在推出双核处理器之后,GalaxySIII这次搭载的四核处理器使它成为目前最强大的智能手机。

    Following its dual-core predecessor , Galaxy S III 's quad-core version makes it the most powerful smartphone yet .

  9. 目前计算机多采用双核或者四核CPU,其数据计算能力大大加强。

    At present , a lot of computer adopts dual core or quad core CPU , its data capacity is greatly strengthened .

  10. 另外,威盛四核处理器也采用虚拟化技术,可在虚拟环境中运行旧版软体与应用,并不会增加CPU使用率。

    In addition , the VIA quad-core processors with virtualization technology also can be run in a virtual environment software and legacy applications , and will not increase the CPU utilization .

  11. 四核钼亚硝基双硫配合物Na2[Mo4O(S2)6(NO)4]·3H2O的合成和晶体结构

    Synthesis and crystal structure of a tetranuclear molybdenum (ⅳ) nitrosyl disulfur complex na_2 [ mo_4o ( s_2 ) _6 ( no ) _4 ] · 3h_2o

  12. AMD将首先交付B3芯片四核皓龙而不是更高频率的羿龙桌面处理器。

    Rather than lead with higher speed grades of Phenom desktop processors , AMD will ship the first B3 chips as quad-core Opterons .

  13. 大孢子母细胞及二、四核胚囊的核质显示Feulgen正反应。

    The nuclear plasm of megaspore and 2 and 4 nucleate embryosac shows a positive Feulgen reaction .

  14. 四核钼簇合物Mo4S4(μ-OAc)2(dtp)4在一些非水溶剂中的电化

    Study of Electrochemistry of Tetranuclear Molybdenum Cluster Compound [ Mo_4S_4 (μ - OAc ) _2 ( dtp ) _4 ] in Some Nonaqueous Solvents

  15. 应用CS2在AgS键中的插入反应生成新型Ag原子簇化合物的研究Ⅳ四核银簇合物(Ph3P)4Ag4Br4的形成与晶体结构

    Research on the Sythesis of New Silver Cluster Complexes by the Insertion Reaction of CS_2 into Ag & S Bonds (ⅳ) Formation and Crystal Structure of a Tetranuclear Silver Cluster Complex ( Ph_3P ) _4Ag_4Br_4

  16. 要满足这些需求,开发团队和我使用了一个四核的基于Xeon的服务器。

    To accommodate these requirements , the development team and I used a quad-core Xeon-based server .

  17. 该模型进一步缩小了人工模型体系与天然光合作用释氧中心(OEC)四核锰簇的差异。

    These improvements narrow the disparity between the new model and ( Mn ) _4 cluster ( oxygen-evolving center in nature ) .

  18. 这款手机配置了高通(Qualcomm)骁龙600四核处理器,运行速度为1.7GHz,内存为2GB,在一众Android手机中十分出众。

    Inside , the phone features a Qualcomm ( QCOM , Fortune 500 ) Snapdragon 600 Quad-Core processor running at 1.7 Ghz and 2 GBs of RAM , putting it on the high end of the Android spectrum .

  19. 四核钴簇合物[Co4(mp)5(PBu3~n)3]的快原子轰击质谱碎片和结构的相互关联

    The Relation Between the Fragments of FAB-MS of Tetranuclear Cobalt Cluster [ Co_4 ( mp ) _5 ( PBu_3 ~ n ) _3 ] amd Its Structural Parameters

  20. 四核铜配合物[CuBrP(p-OCH3Ph)3]4·1.5CH3OH的合成和晶体结构

    Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Tetranuclear Copper Complex [ CuBr ( p-OCH_3Ph ) _3 ] _4 · 1.5CH_3OH

  21. 该集群GPU实例属于HPC实例组,提供了相当于33.5EC2计算单元(基于一对IntelXeonX5570四核Nehalem处理器)的能力。

    The Cluster GPU instance belongs to the HPC group of instances , offering the equivalent of33.5 EC2 Compute Units based on a pair of Intel Xeon X5570 quad-core Nehalem processors .

  22. 面对以媒体人为主的观众,首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯发布了这家在线零售业巨头的最新产品:FirePhone手机。这款手机拥有4.7英寸的屏幕,2.2GHz的四核处理器以及2GB的内存。

    CEO Jeff Bezos spoke to a crowd made up mostly of members of the media to announce the online retail giant 's newest product : the Fire phone , a device with a 4.7-inch screen , a quad-core 2.2 GHz processor and 2 gigabytes of RAM .

  23. GalaxyTab3系列平板电脑使用的各种双核处理器已被摒弃,取而代之的是新的1.2GHz四核处理器,内存从1GB扩大至1.5GB。

    The various dual-core CPUs from the Galaxy Tab 3 series have been dumped in favor of new 1.2 GHz quad-core processors and the tablets now get 1.5GB of RAM instead of just 1GB .

  24. 网站的DB服务器采用联想服务器,具体配置为双CPU、24GB内存、6个硬盘驱动器,Web服务器使用另一个联想服务器,具体配置为一个四核CPU、8GB内存、双重镜像硬盘。

    The site runs on a Lenovo server , dual CPU , 24 GB of memory and6 hard drives , as the DB server , and another Lenovo server , 1 CPU quad core , 8 GB of memory and dual mirrored HDD , as the web server .

  25. 配合物4的结构是由μ4-tta配体连接四核簇{Cu4Cl2}构成的二维层状结构。

    Compound 4 contains 2-D layer which is composed of tetranuclear clusters { Cu4Cl2 } connected by the μ 4-tta .

  26. 它标价2199美元,它搭载了一颗性能更强大的2.3GHz的英特尔i7四核处理器、8GB的RAM、256GB的固态硬盘、两个USB3.0接口、两个Thunderbolt接口,还有一块视网膜显示屏。

    For $ 2,199 , users get a more powerful 2.3 GHz quad-core Intel i7 processor , 8-gigabytes of ram , a 256 GB solid state drive , two USB 3.0 ports , two thunderbolt ports , and a retina display .

  27. 在分析目前国内外主要的身份认证技术后,提出了基于RTEMS嵌入式系统的动态身份认证机制。其次,本文详细介绍了RTEMS嵌入式系统的四核平台的搭建。包括硬件平台和软件平台的设计与实现。

    In the analysis of current domestic authentication techniques , a dynamic authentication mechanism based on RTEMS embedded systems has been proposed . Secondly , the building of RTEMS quad-core embedded systems platform has been described , including the design and implementation of hardware platform and software platform .

  28. 担载金属簇Ⅳ.担载四核羰基钴簇的合成及醛化活性

    Supported Metal Cluster ⅳ . Cobalt Carbonyl Cluster Supported on Polystyrene

  29. 邻香兰素甲硫氨酸席夫碱四核铜配合物的合成及结构表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Tetranuclear Copper Complex of O-Vanillin - Methionine

  30. 双核芯片目前很普遍,四核芯片也在增加。

    Dual-core chips are commonplace , and quad-core chips are spreading too .