
  • 网络happiness;Happiness Index;well-being index;GnH;wellbeing index
  1. 幸福指数指标体系的构建

    How to Build the Index System of GNH

  2. GDP增长与幸福指数

    Growth of GDP and Happiness Index

  3. 有钱不见得能提高你的幸福指数。

    Being rich doesn 't actually increase your happiness quotient

  4. 所有这些或许听起来有些矫情,但美联储(FederalReserve)主席本•伯南克近日也加入了这场幸福指数运动。

    All this might sound a little touchy-feely , but Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently joined this happiness movement .

  5. 挪威人均GDP最高(98822美元),而在幸福指数上位居第九,不是第一。

    Norway has the highest GDP per capita on the list $ 98,822 yet it ranked ninth , not first .

  6. OECD幸福指数对34个发达国家展开调查,本身并没有给出一个整体排名。

    The OECD survey of 34 industrialized nations didn 't award an overall top ranking .

  7. OECD的幸福指数按照生活质量标准对世界发达经济体进行排名。

    The OECD 's Better Life Index ranks the world 's developed economies on quality-of-life criteria .

  8. 这是经济合作与发展组织(OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment,简称OECD)幸福指数(BetterLifeIndex)显示的。该指数基于就业、收入、环境和健康等指标对发达经济体进行排名。

    That 's according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 's Better Life Index , which ranked the world 's developed economies on criteria such as jobs , income , environment and health .

  9. 从GDP崇拜到幸福指数关怀&发展理论视野中发展观的几次深刻转折

    From " Adoration of GDP " to the Care for Well-being Index & Profound turns in the views of development in perspective of theory of development

  10. OECD幸福指数以联合国、各个国家和其它信息源的数据为基础。

    Australia 's high rank in the OECD index ─ based on data from the United Nations , individual governments and other sources ─

  11. 萨科奇提出世界的领导人应该停止目光短浅地只关注GDP关注一种新的指数,法国人称之为“幸福指数”我喜欢这个提法。

    Sarkozy suggested that world leaders should stop myopically focusing on GDP and consider a new index , what some French are calling a " joie de vivre index . " I like it .

  12. 要GDP还是要GNH?&科学发展观视野下的经济增长和国民幸福指数评析

    Aiming at GDP or GNH & Economic growth and happiness index of the people in the light of the scientific development view

  13. OECD幸福指数以联合国、各个国家和其它信息源的数据为基础。澳大利亚之所以幸福指数较高,主要得益于该国经济。

    Australia 's high rank in the OECD index ─ based on data from the United Nations , individual governments and other sources ─ is largely due to its economy .

  14. 幸福指数量表在我国内地城市居民中的初步试用研究

    An initial research on wellbeing index applied to citizens in China

  15. 提升农民幸福指数&建设社会主义新农村的最终目标

    Rising Farmers ' Happiness Index-Final Aim of Building Socialist New Countryside

  16. 谈到友谊,与朋友的相聚也能提升你的幸福指数。

    Similarly , spending time with friends can boost happiness .

  17. 幸福指数在三年前开始施行。

    The Better Life Index was launched three years ago .

  18. 欧洲北方国家在全世界的幸福指数排名中名列前茅。

    Northern European countries lead the world 's happiness rankings .

  19. 幸福指数的提升与和谐社会的构建

    Upgrade of the Index of Happiness and the Construction of a Harmonious Society

  20. 但是收入与幸福指数间的关系并不明显。

    But the relationship between income and reported happiness is far from obvious .

  21. 2008北京奥运会与北京市民幸福指数关系的研究

    Research on the relations between the 2008 Olympic Games and the Gross National Happiness

  22. 幸福指数:和谐社会的新追求

    Happiness Index : New Goal of Harmonious Society

  23. 该国的“每日体验”幸福指数为8.1,比丹麦还要高。

    Its " Daily Happiness Index " is8.1 , higher than that of Denmark .

  24. 幸福指数:评价权利与法律制度的新标准

    Index of Happiness : A New Criterion to Evaluate Human Rights and Legal System

  25. 国民幸福指数的变化在宠物经济中的体现

    Changes of GNH Embodied in the Pets Economy

  26. 北京奥运会对国民幸福指数的影响及评价体系的构建

    Effects of Beijing Olympic Games on National Happiness Indexes and Construction of Evaluating System

  27. 打开心胸把你的情感传递给他人,你的幸福指数也会提高。

    Open your heart with compassion to others and your happiness level will rise .

  28. 珠三角地区受访城市中幸福指数最低的是肇庆市,这座城市以其有800年历史的城而闻名遐迩。

    The saddest city surveyed was Zhaoqing , known for its 800-year-old city walls .

  29. 2008年奥运会对北京市民幸福指数相关指标的影响

    Research on the Effect of Post 2008 Olympic Games on Indexes Related to GNH

  30. 对夫妻幸福指数进行的调查研究,这并不是第一次。

    This isn 't the first study to look at married couples ' happiness levels .