
  • 网络the road to happiness;the way to happiness;The Conquest of Happiness
  1. 花时间去友善待人,这是通往幸福之路。

    Take time to be friendly , it is the road to happiness .

  2. 在那种情况下,我们怎能说金钱是通向幸福之路呢?

    In that case how can we say money is the road to happiness ?

  3. 我们每个人都在寻求自己的幸福之路。

    Each of us seeks our own path to bliss .

  4. 斩除通往幸福之路沿途丛生的荆棘。

    To chop their way of happiness out along the brambly path of life .

  5. 幸福之路的探索&对中国改革开放的一种哲学、伦理学思考

    The Exploration of Road to Happiness & Philosophical and Ethical Thinking on Chinese Reformation and Opening

  6. 我们应该把它们当作金玉良言,并看作是通往内心幸福之路的路标。

    We should consider them to be good advice , and treat them as signposts showing the way to happiness within .

  7. 其中之一,《从繁荣中开辟和平幸福之路》,通过繁荣带来和平与幸福,出售了数百万本。

    One of them , " developing a road to peace and happiness through prosperity " , sold several million copies .

  8. 每个人都应靠自己的判断和观察来作出他幸福之路的选择。

    Every man should determine the choice on which so much of his happiness must depend , but his own judgment and observation . ( No.115 )

  9. 第一个困难是“幸福之路”并不能很好地跨越边界:主要的障碍来自于利益不同。

    The first problem is that the " happy path " does not cross boundaries very well : the key barrier is the barrier of intention .

  10. 人类幸福之路就是坚定不移沿着做好事的大道前进;那些最坚毅而又最诚挚地工作的人常常是最成功的人。

    The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing ; and they who are the most persistent , and work in the truest spirit , will usually be the most successful .

  11. 如果想让自己心平气和地过好每一天,你绝对不能固守一个特定的梦想,要向更美好的梦想敞开胸怀,正可谓幸福之路就在脚下。

    If you want to tame your inner demons and make the most of life , you must not become rigidly attached to just one specific dream , and remain open to there being an even better , equally as happy path ahead .

  12. 回归幸福感之路:论教师情绪智力的挖掘和培养

    Way return to the well-being-discover and develop the emotional intelligence of teachers

  13. 但我一人独处整理思绪时,我发现自己的心态不如多年以前在我父亲那幢小小的农舍,坐在摇曳的油灯旁规划我的幸福成功之路时那样平和,我仍然同当年一样害怕想到生与死的问题。

    In my private moments of mental inventory , I discovered that I had no more peace of mind , nor was I less afraid of the problems of life and death , than many years before , when I planned my road to happiness and success by the flickering lamp in my father 's tiny farmhouse .

  14. 然而,就像一只充满智慧的老鼠在壁脚板之后发出吱吱的声响,也有妇女接受这种颠覆正统的想法:也许这高高在上的爱情不见得就是通往绝对幸福这一天堂之路。

    However , there are women who entertain the subversive notion , like an intellectual mouse scratching behind the skirting board , that perhaps this higher love is not necessarily the celestial highway to absolute happiness .

  15. 人的幸福在于创造性的生活,价值论旨在和善于探求幸福之路。

    On Problems in Creativity and Creative Education The happiness of man lies in the creative life .

  16. 如把幸福和金钱紧紧地连在一起,那麽可能会走上不幸福之路。

    Linking your happiness closely to money is a possible way to be unhappy .