
  • 网络train operation accident;driving accident
  1. 发生行车事故的原因错综复杂,不仅有物的因素,也有列车司机、调度、管理人员等人的因素。

    The cause of the driving accident is complex , including of the vehicle , lines , equipment factors and the human factors , such as the train driver , scheduling , management staff .

  2. 铁路行车事故救援理论与技术体系探讨

    Exploration of the Theoretic and Technical Systems of Train Operation Accident Emergency & Rescue

  3. 基于GM(1,1)模型的铁路行车事故预测

    Accident Prediction for Running Train Based on GM ( 1 , 1 ) Model

  4. 在此基础上,应用microsoftSQLserver建立道路运输行业行车事故数据库,并以PowerBuilder软件为平台,建立运输事故数据采集与统计分析系统。

    On the basis of above , applies Microsoft SQL Server to establish accident database , and develops this system on platform of PowerBuilder software .

  5. 笔者扼要探讨了构建基于GIS的铁路行车事故救援系统的相关理论和方法,提出了该系统的设计目标、功能结构、体系结构以及空间数据库设计的简要准则和空间数据的输入方法。

    The pertinent theories and methods of the emergency rescue system for accidents of running train based on GIS are discussed . The design goal , functional structure , system structure , simple guidelines for designing spatial databases and the input method of the spatial data are put forward .

  6. 同时还指出,由于超装超载直接造成铁路行车事故。

    The paper points out that overloading has directly caused operation accidents .

  7. 铁路行车事故分析中的语音压缩方法

    A Method of Speech Compression in Railway Accident Analysis

  8. 铁路行车事故救援中机车车辆捆绑的几点问题及建议

    Problems and Proposals on Locomotive & Car Binding in the Railway Accident Rescue

  9. 降低客运行车事故的客运站安全管理分析

    Source pump station Analysis of Terminal Security Management to Reduce Passenger Traffic Accident

  10. 因此,减少和预防隧道内行车事故的发生也就显得格外重要。

    Therefore , decrease and prevent traffic accidents in tunnel will become especially important .

  11. 关于铁路行车事故预测的应用研究

    The applied study on railway driving accidents prediction

  12. 该系统可在行车事故现场以人机交互方式提供一个或几个救援方案。

    The system could provide one or several accident succor protocols in on-site accident interact ively .

  13. 关于现行铁路行车事故分类的思考

    Reflect on classification of rail accident

  14. 铁路行车事故的分类

    Classification of Railway Running Accidents

  15. 驾驶员疲劳驾驶已经成为造成全路机务行车事故的一个重要原因。

    Driver fatigue caused by driving the whole railway locomotive has become an important cause of traffic accidents .

  16. 对一次货物列车冒进信号造成重大行车事故的分析(上)

    Analysis of a Major Train Operation Accident Caused by a Freight Train 's Rashing Advance the Slgnal ( 1st part )

  17. 因此,需要对铁路运输行车事故进行深入的分析研究,从而制定更加安全可靠的防护措施。

    Therefore , the need for railway transportation vehicle accident thorough analysis and research , and more reliable safety protective measures .

  18. 铁路货车轴承的故障,对铁路货车的安全运行带来严重隐患,甚至造成重大行车事故。

    The bearing fault of railroad freight bring on serious risk to safe operation of the wagon and cause serious traffic accident .

  19. 本文以哈尔滨铁路局2003~2005年车务系统所发生的行车事故为背景,找出车务段的惯性易发事故。

    This paper under the background of transport accident in traffic deport of Harbin Railway bureau during 2003-2005 , the inertial easy accident of Traffic deport is found .

  20. 本论文以成都铁路分局1990&2001年发生的行车事故为背景,根据铁路行车事故性质系统研究重大、大、险性和一般事故。

    The thesis studies the serious , great , danger and daily railway traffic accidents which took place in Chengdu railway branch from 1990 to 2001 as the background .

  21. 泰勒在最近的一次演讲中说道,自动驾驶汽车可以解决的重大问题是,每年在行车事故中有120万人丧生。

    The big problem self-driving cars could help solve , said Teller in a recent speech , is the 1.2 million people who die every year in car accidents .

  22. 乙方发生行车事故,无论有无责任,均按事故修理费的10%补偿甲方车辆的残值损失。

    In any case of vehicle damages , Party B shall compensate party A an amount at ten ( 10 ) per cent total expenses for damage caused by accelerated depreciation .

  23. 泰勒在最近的一次演讲中说道,自动驾驶汽车可以解决的重大问题是,“每年在行车事故中有120万人丧生”。

    The big problem self-driving cars could help solve , said Teller in a recent speech , is the " 1.2 million people who die every year in car accidents . "

  24. 在铁路运输事业高速发展的时代里,铁路救援起重机作为行车事故处理的主要救援设备,在保障铁路运输安全畅通上起到了关键性作用。

    In the era that the railway transport enterprise developing rapidly , railway rescue crane as the main rescue equipment in traffic accident treatment plays a key role to make railway transport safety .

  25. 它在处理行车事故、起复颠覆车辆、消除线路障碍、缩短行车中断时间的铁路救援作业中起着决定性作用。

    It plays a decisive role in such railway rescue work as the treatment , lifting up overturned vehicles , eliminating the circuitry obstacles and shortening the time of railway traffic disruption in the rescue operations .

  26. 铁路事故人身损害赔偿责任是指铁路运输企业因铁路行车事故及其他铁路运营事故造成他人人身伤亡依法应承担的侵权损害赔偿责任。

    Liability of personal damage compensation in railway accident means the compensation liability of personal injury or death that should be taken by the railway transportation enterprises for its own transportation accidents and other railway operation accidents .

  27. 脱轨事故是发生率最高的铁路行车事故,严重威胁行车安全,对人员和财产造成极大危害,事故发生后采取必要的技术和管理措施是防范脱轨再次发生的重要举措。

    Derailment is railway accidents of highest occurrence badly threatening the safe running and causing severe casualty and property loss . After the derailment , necessary technical and management measures must be taken in order to prevent the repeated accident .

  28. 论文首先根据我国道路运输行业安全生产管理模式与运输行业行车事故管理,对交通部门在运输事故信息采集、数据管理与统计分析中存在的问题进行探讨。

    According the safety management model of highway transportation and the management model of accident , this study first discuss the problem in the gathering of accident information , the managing of data and the statistical analysis of accident data .

  29. 调车事故是铁路车务站段多发性行车事故,它造成设备损坏、财产损失,干扰铁路正常的运输生产秩序,有时还危及调车人员的人身安全,具有较大的危害性。

    Shunting accident was Railway Train Station section of multiple traffic accidents , which resulted in damage to equipment , property damage , interfere with the normal railway transport production order , and in some cases , shunting endanger the safety of personnel , greater harm .

  30. 铁路救援起重机作为一种处理铁路行车事故、排除线路故障的关键设备,具有能快速开赴事故现场展开救援作业的能力,将因行车事故造成的损失降低到最小程度。

    Railway crane is key equipment which can treat railway accident and rule out line fault . Railway crane should head for the scene of the accident quickly and carry out rescue operations , so that the losses caused by traffic accident can be reduced to minimum .