- high-risk operation

Railway transportation is a high-risk operation and extremely easy to bring danger to surrounding environment and cause losses in property and human life ; accordingly , the disputes as arose out of it is gradually increasing .
High-risk operations exoneration matter in law scholars is still quite a controversial subject .
The injuring responsibility by highly dangerous operation means a special tort responsibility by carrying ont the operations that are highly dangerous to the surroundings .
In foreign countries , the principle of no fault compensation is rarely applied to service industry involving medical service except for highly dangerous job such as aerial working .
In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law , any person engaged in highly dangerous operation shall be liable for compensation in the event of any damages .
The tort law stipulates carrier 's negligence in highly dangerous work . Influenced by attention-duty theory , the deduce negligence and negligence appear while carriers , as operator , violate security duty .
The Science and Technology closely contacts with the greatly dangerous operations , making the the system has the dynamic and open features , which also increasing the difficulty of the identified high-risk liability .
Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous caused by the victim , he shall not bear civil liability .
Because of the harmfulness of the chemicals , the mobile manipulator with independent ability becomes the best choice of mending work , replacing or helping mankind finish the highly dangerous work .
The general terms prescribed duty may be engaged in greatly dangerous operations for : the people , even all the reasonable notice obligation , still because of " typical risk " cause frequent or severity damage , he shall assume tort liability .