
ɡāo dù wēi xiǎn zuò yè
  • high-risk operation
  1. 铁路运输作为高度危险作业,极易对周围环境带来危险,造成人身伤亡和财产损失,而由此产生的权益纠纷也日渐增多。

    Railway transportation is a high-risk operation and extremely easy to bring danger to surrounding environment and cause losses in property and human life ; accordingly , the disputes as arose out of it is gradually increasing .

  2. 高度危险作业免责事由法学界存在较大的争议。

    High-risk operations exoneration matter in law scholars is still quite a controversial subject .

  3. 高度危险作业致害责任,是指因从事对周围环境具有高度危险作业造成他人损害时,依法应当承担一种特殊的侵权责任。

    The injuring responsibility by highly dangerous operation means a special tort responsibility by carrying ont the operations that are highly dangerous to the surroundings .

  4. 国外有关医疗等服务业的立法,除对高度危险作业如航空业采用无过失原则外,对其它服务业很少有采用。

    In foreign countries , the principle of no fault compensation is rarely applied to service industry involving medical service except for highly dangerous job such as aerial working .

  5. 根据我国《民法通则》的规定,从事高度危险作业的人致他人损害的,应负赔偿责任。

    In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law , any person engaged in highly dangerous operation shall be liable for compensation in the event of any damages .

  6. 侵权法规定承运人在从事高度危险作业时承担无过失责任,同时受注意义务理论的影响又产生了承运人作为经营者违反安全保障义务时的推定过失责任和过失责任。

    The tort law stipulates carrier 's negligence in highly dangerous work . Influenced by attention-duty theory , the deduce negligence and negligence appear while carriers , as operator , violate security duty .

  7. 高度危险作业与科学技术存在紧密的联系,使得高度危险责任体系呈现出动态化、开放化的特征,加大了高度危险责任认定的难度。

    The Science and Technology closely contacts with the greatly dangerous operations , making the the system has the dynamic and open features , which also increasing the difficulty of the identified high-risk liability .

  8. 第一百二十三条从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境有高度危险的作业造成他人损害的,应当承担民事责任;如果能够证明损害是由受害人故意造成的,不承担民事责任。

    Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous caused by the victim , he shall not bear civil liability .

  9. 由于泄漏化学品的危害性,具有自主能力的移动机械手便成为代替、辅助人类完成高度危险性修补作业的最佳选择。

    Because of the harmfulness of the chemicals , the mobile manipulator with independent ability becomes the best choice of mending work , replacing or helping mankind finish the highly dangerous work .

  10. 进而提出,高度危险责任的一般条款可规定为:从事高度危险作业的人,即使尽到了合理的注意义务,仍因典型风险造成经常性或严重性损害的,应当承担侵权责任。

    The general terms prescribed duty may be engaged in greatly dangerous operations for : the people , even all the reasonable notice obligation , still because of " typical risk " cause frequent or severity damage , he shall assume tort liability .