
ɡònɡ tónɡ bèi ɡào
  • Co defendant;joint defendants;co-respondent
  1. 共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被告

    The administrative organs that have jointly undertaken the act shall be the joint defendants

  2. 两个以上行政机关作出同一具体行政行为的,共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被告。

    If two or more administrative organs have undertaken the same specific administrative act , the administrative organs that have jointly undertaken the act shall be the joint defendants .

  3. 此案的共同被告因向数千不明真相的存款人出售毫无价值的垃圾债券而被起诉。

    The co-defendants are charged with selling worthless junk bonds to thousands of unsuspecting depositors .

  4. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)在指控中国电信设备集团华为(Huawei)涉嫌窃取商业机密的诉讼中,已将一名据称的间谍列为共同被告。

    Motorola has named an alleged spy as a co-defendant in a lawsuit against Chinese telecoms group Huawei over the alleged theft of trade secrets .

  5. 共同被告人约书亚·科米萨耶夫斯基在2011年的时候也被判处死刑。

    Co-defendant Joshua Komisarjevsky was also sentenced to death in 2011 .

  6. 论共同被告口供的性质及其证明力

    On nature and probative force of confession of codefendant

  7. 他服刑4年剩下的缓刑交换条件是他提供对共同被告的证词

    He serves four , the rest suspended in exchange for his testimony against his codefendant

  8. 被告(特别是在离婚诉讼中被指控与共同被告有通奸行为的人)。

    The defendant ( especially in a divorce proceeding who is accused of adultery with the corespondent ) .

  9. 笔者认为,关于共同被告人陈述之性质,美国、德国、日本三个国家刑诉法之规定各有不同。

    It points out that , there are varies provisions about statements of co-defendants in American , German , or Japan .

  10. 本案除桑切斯外,另一名共同被告人马文·诺伍德被判有期徒刑4年,他在2011年的袭击中致使布莱恩·斯托终身残疾。

    Sanchez 's co-defendant in the case Marvin Norwood was given a 4-year sentence in 2011 attack left Giants fan Bryan Stow permanently disable .

  11. 虽然雇主责任的主体是当然应该是雇主,但是当权利主体没有明确主张由谁来承担赔偿义务时,在程序法上可将雇主和雇员列为共同被告。

    Though the subject of employer liability should be employer , both employer and employee can be defendant when the subject of right does not claim who should compensate definitely .

  12. 从证据法上讲,可将共同被告分为实质的共同被告和形式的共同被告。

    The confession of formal codefendant shall be regarded as witness ' testimony According to substantive law and procedural law , the article divided codefendants into substantive codefendant and formal codefendant .

  13. 在公司法人人格否认诉讼中,公司利害关系人是诉讼的原告,公司积极股东和公司应是诉讼的共同被告。

    The paper also suggests , in order to safeguard public interests , the prosecuting organ should start the legal proceedings of denial of corporate personality on the behalf of the country ;

  14. 共同被告人陈述之性质为何,事关共同被告人在刑事诉讼中诉讼角色的定位以及证据规则的适用,对于共同被告人的权利影响甚大。

    The nature of the statements of co-defendant determines his role in the criminal proceedings , as well as the application of the evidence rule . Thus it affects greatly on the co-defendants ' rights .

  15. 笔者首先指出,对于共同被告人陈述之性质,应根据共同被告人陈述内容的不同将其分割为被告人供述或证人证言两种类型。

    It points out that , about the nature of the statements of co-defendants , the author suggested to segment to two types , confession of defendant or testimony of witnesses , base on the statements ' content .

  16. 在司法救济过程中,各当事人的诉讼地位分别为:受害第三人是原告,致害人(被保险人)是被告,保险人应该列为共同被告。

    The status of each party in the litigation includes : the victim of the third party which is the plaintiff , the infringer ( or the insured ) which is the defendant and the insurer which is the co-defendant .

  17. 在伪证罪主体认定中,共同被告能否互为证人,应当以共同被告人之间是否存在实体上的共犯关系区别对待。

    During the justification of the carrier of such a crime , whether the common defendants ca n be witness for each other depends on the fact that if there is a substantial relationship of accomplice among them in the crime .

  18. 共同犯罪的被告人供述除具备单纯被告人陈述的特征之外还有其自身的特点&利益上的相互冲突,在作证的心理上必然形成一定的心理障碍。

    In addition to the characteristic of the pure confession of defense , the confession of the defendants in complicity also has its specialty-mutual conflict of benefits , which cannot but make certain mental obstacles during the process of proof .