
  • 网络cardiovascular medicine;Cardiology
  1. 因此,中国心血管内科最重要的问题是预防。

    Therefore the most important issue for cardiovascular medicine in China is prevention .

  2. 心血管内科学科技术发展历程与思考

    Course and Development of Cardiovascular Medicine Technique

  3. 心血管内科ICU患者医院感染相关因素分析及护理对策

    Analysis of Risk Factors and Nursing Strategy for Nosocomial Infection in Cardiovascular ICU Patients

  4. 噻吗洛尔(timolol)是非选择性β受体阻断剂,在心血管内科用于治疗急性心肌梗死,早期应用可改善患者的并发症和生存率,长期使用能降低心梗后的再梗死率和死亡率。

    Timolol is a non selective β blocker for treatment of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) . The complications and survival rate of patients with AMI may be improved by its early use . The rate of re infarction and mortality may be significantly reduced by long term uses .

  5. 我院心血管内科不合理用药情况分析

    Analysis of Non-irrational Drug Use in the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases

  6. 心血管内科实习教学的探索与思考

    Probing and Thinking on the Teaching in Cardiovascular Internal Medicine Practice

  7. 病毒性心肌炎是小儿心血管内科的常见疾病。

    Viral myocarditis is a common disease of pediatric cardiovascular medicine .

  8. 联合介入诊疗技术在心血管内科的应用

    Application of combined interventional procedure in composite cardiovascular diseases

  9. 对心血管内科临床教学工作的思考

    Thinking on the Clinical Teaching of Cardiovascular Diseases

  10. 初次住院的心血管内科病人对护理行为关怀性评价的调查研究

    A survey of patients first time admitted in cardiovascular department on nursing behavior caring assessment

  11. 方法:收集FDCM家系,对该家系成员进行详细心血管内科检查确诊为扩张型心肌病,且伴发有传导功能障碍;

    Methods A Chinese family which was diagnosed as dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction defect was studied .

  12. 中国医师协会心血管内科分会先心病工作委员会。

    Committee on Congenital Heart Diseases , Internal Medicine Branch of Cadiovascular Diseases , Chinese Physicians'Association .

  13. 心血管内科住院病人失眠相关因素分析及对策

    Analysis on Related Factors of Patients Hospitalized in Cardiovascular Internal Medicine Department With Insomnia and Its Countermeasures

  14. 病毒性心肌炎是心血管内科的常见疾病,对人类健康构成威胁。

    Viral Myocarditis ( VMC ) is a widespread cardiovascular disease that does harm to human health .

  15. 采用问卷调查法对心血管内科普通病房的138名护士进行调查研究。

    Questionnaires and interview were used in this study to investigate 138 nurses at the cardiac medicine department .

  16. 心电遥测在老年心血管内科护理中的应用

    Application of electro-cardio far measuring in nursing care of elderly patients in internal medicine department of cardiovascular diseases

  17. 目的探讨心血管内科住院患者医院感染发生的特点以及找出有效的防治措施。

    OBJECTIVE To explore the occurring characteristic and curing measures of hospital infection for inpatients with cardiovascular disease .

  18. 你正在考虑你的职业或最近接受了心血管内科学术职务?

    Are you are considering a career or have you recently accepted a position in academic cardiovascular medicine ?

  19. 标本来源于南方医科大学南方医院心血管内科,明确诊断为慢性心衰的患者。

    The samples were obtained from Nanfang Hospital Cardiology Department definitive diagnosis for patients with chronic heart failure .

  20. 心血管内科老年住院病人睡眠质量及影响因素调查

    A survey of sleeping quality and its influencing factors of senile hospitalized patients in cardiovascular internal medicine department

  21. 在武汉大学中南医院心血管内科确诊的心肌梗死患者(心肌梗死组)49例(年龄50~87岁,男29例,女20例)。

    The cardiac infarction group consisted 49 patients ( aged 50-87 years old , 29 males and 20 females ) .

  22. 对心血管内科的住院患者出现糖代谢异常情况的病例进行临床观察。

    On the cardiovascular medicine of hospitalized patients with the metabolic abnormalities appeared sugar for clinical observation of the cases .

  23. 结果:病例组分布排序为血液内科(39.2%),心血管内科(20.8%),内分泌科(2.4%);

    RESULTS : The ordered case group were hema internal medicine ( 39.2 % ), cardiovascular internal medicine ( 20.8 % ) .

  24. 方法:结合临床药师深入心血管内科的工作实践,总结开展药学服务的内容、方法和体会。

    METHODS : We summarized the content , method and experiences of carrying out pharmaceutical care based on our clinical practice in Cardiology department .

  25. 方法采用自编量表,将心血管内科住院的高血压患者58例分为健康教育组(研究组)和对照组。

    Methods 58 cases of hypertensive inpatients in cardiology division wards were randomly registered into the healthcare education group and control group , according to self-made scale of multiple variants .

  26. 通过文献分析法、半结构式访谈法和理论分析法形成了心血管内科责任护士岗位胜任力的评价指标体系初稿。

    Form the initial framework of evaluation indicator system for the post competency of charge nurse in cardiovascular internal medicine department through literature research method , semi-structured interview and theoretical analysis method . 3 .

  27. 收集2009年3月至2010年3月期间,广州中医药大学第一附属医院心血管内科住院部符合诊断标准的病人100例。

    From the period of March 2009 to March 2010,100 patients were included in our study who met diagnostic criteria in the cardiology department of First Affiliated Hospital in Guangzhou university of Chinese medicine .

  28. 心血管内科、心血管外科做为构成全军研究所的两个学科以绝对优势名列前两名,有较好的符合率。

    Cardiovascular medical department and cardiovascular surgical department constitute the PLA Cardiovascular Research Institute and , predominating over all the other departments , were ranked the first two , showing a better coincidence rate .

  29. 研究目的:研究气温对上海市医保人群心血管内科门诊人次的健康效应。研究意义:气候的改变对人类健康的影响已经成为一个全球关注的问题。

    Objective : To assess the association between climate factors and the number of cardiovascular diseases out-patient visits in Shanghai residents with medical insurance . Significance : Climate change impacts on human health are a global concern .

  30. 结果:远程专家会诊近300例,其中以普通外科、肾脏病科、骨科、神经内科、神经外科、心血管内科、呼吸内科、血液病科、消化内科为多;

    Results : Consultation of specialists for a long distance was about 300 patients , who were mostly belong to surgery , nephritics , orthopaedics , nerve , brain , heart , breathe , hematology and digest diseases .