
  • 网络cardiac auscultation;heart auscultation
  1. 心脏听诊是诊断心血管疾病的一种重要方法。

    Heart auscultation is an important method for diagnosing heart valve diseases .

  2. 心脏听诊假阳性率较高,主要发生于听诊可疑房间隔缺损中。

    The false positive rate was high in heart auscultation , which often occurred in atrial septal defect ( ASD ) .

  3. 方法对21例肺心病患者进行心脏听诊,普通12导联心电图(ECG)及Holter检查。

    Methods 21 Pulmonary Heart Disease was detected by physical examination , ECG and Holter .

  4. 结果Holter对肺心病的心律失常及恶性心律失常检出率分别为61.9%和33.3%,明显高于心脏听诊和ECG的检出率,各组比较有显著性差异。

    Results By Holter , 61.9 % arrhythmia and 33.3 % serious arrhythmia was detected in Pulmonary Heart Disease , that is higher than by physical examination and ECG . There is remarkable difference in these methods .

  5. 彩色多谱勒检测二尖瓣返流和心脏听诊相关性的探讨

    Mitral Regurgitation : Detected by Color Flow Imaging and its Cardiac Stereoscopy Cor-relation

  6. 应用触听模拟器优化心脏听诊教学

    Using touch-audio simulator for optimizing the teaching of auscultation

  7. 介绍心脏听诊课件的制作过程。

    The development of the courseware of cardiac auscultation was introduced in this article .

  8. 电子心音图检查将心脏听诊形象化,提高了心脏疾病的诊断和鉴别水平。

    Phonocardiograms ( PCGs ) visualize cardiac auscultation , and improve the diagnosis level if cardiovascular diseases .

  9. 杂音组:67例心脏听诊轻度杂音。

    67 cases of cardiac light murmur were selected as light murmur group , 50 cases of normal students were as control group .

  10. 相信随着现代多媒体技术的不断发展,其在心脏听诊教学中的应用会越来越多。将现代多媒体技术和传统的教学法有机结合起来,必将大大提高心脏听诊教学的质量。

    The proper combination of traditional teaching method and application of multimedia techniques will further increase and optimize the teaching efficiency of cardiac auscultation .

  11. 目的:探讨在起搏脉冲发生器起搏与感知的指导下,结合心脏听诊定位进行临时心脏起搏的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of temporary transvenous cardiac pacing under the guide of pace and sense of pacemaker combined with cardiac auscultation .

  12. 方法:笔者1963年至1999年潜心研究心脏听诊,对8例病理性心肺杂音细心观察,结合文献。

    Methods From 1963 to 1999 , Author use method of auscultation and were clinical observed , 8 cases of cardiopulmonary murmur and refer to the literary of historical data .

  13. 心脏听诊是诊断学教学中的重点和难点,传统的教学方法存在下列弊端:心脏杂音听诊病源减少、教患矛盾增加、学生听诊学习难度较大等;高等护理自学考试学员的临床实习带教

    We summarize the disadvantages of traditional teaching method and advantages of multimedia techniques in diagnosis teaching of cardiac auscultation . Clinical Teaching of Student Interns Preparing for Higher Nursing Self study Examination

  14. 生后或儿童期发生紫绀,卧位颈静脉充盈波动,而心脏听诊基本正常。

    Cyanosis is present appear in infancy and early childhood . The neck veins are engorged and pulsating with the patient in prone position , while the heart is normal on auscultation ;

  15. 方法:利用望诊、心脏听诊与超声检查结合的方法,对北京市122个社区点的儿童进行监测,并对已确诊病例采用病例对照研究方法进行单因素和多因素分析。

    Methods : Observations , heart auscultations and echocardiography examinations were used in the surveillance on children from 122 communities in Beijing area , and the case-control study , single-factors analysis and multi-factor synthetic analysis were applied in the diagnosed cases of the disease .

  16. 我当时对她的心脏进行听诊。

    I was listeningto her heart .