
  • 网络Mara;Mara River
  1. 角马跨越肯尼亚马拉河进行大迁徙时,河中会有许多鳄鱼出没,伺机而动。图中,一只鳄鱼吃掉了队伍中一只受伤的年幼角马。

    A crocodile eats a young injured wildebeest during the great migration in the Mara River in Kenya which is infested with crocodiles lying in wait to kill .

  2. 他们的营销活动的背后实质就是:“让我们制作色彩斑斓的吉他吧,告诉消费者它由沉没的巴里岛柚木制成,从马拉河深处捞出来的,然后买上个350美元。”

    The whole deal behind their campaign is ," let 's make a really colorful guitar , say it 's made from'sunken Balinese teak , free-dived from the depths of the Mara River , 'and then charge $ 350 for it . "

  3. 角马每年都会渡过马拉河迁徙到马赛马拉大草原。

    Wildebeests make the migration every year across the river to the grasslands of the Maasai Mara .

  4. 这组照片捕捉了上千头角马渡过肯尼亚马拉河的壮观场面。

    Photographs have captured the moment thousands of wildebeest attempt to make their way across the Mara River in Kenya .