
  • 网络Limited growth;Determinate growth
  1. 第二组群,生育期较短,植株较矮,子粒较大,有限生长,主要来源于东北及华北地区;

    The accessions in the second group had shorter growth period and plant height , bigger seed size and determinate growth habit etc. They were mainly from the northeastern and northern regions of China .

  2. 在AlZnCe非晶合金的晶化过程中存在复杂的相选择行为,多种相的竞争形核和有限生长使其具有复杂的结构特点。

    There exist complex phase selection behaviors during the crystallization process of the amorphous Al-Zn-Ce alloys . The competitive nucleation and the growth limitation of the various phases are attributed to the complex microstructure characteristic of amorphous Al-Zn-Ce alloys .

  3. 大肠杆菌有限生长的微量热及非线性动力学研究

    Microcalorimetric and Nonlinear Dynamic Study on the Finite Growth of Escherichia Coli

  4. 有限生长类型的主茎和果枝较短。

    The main stem and fruiting branches of determinant types remain relatively .

  5. 几个有限生长类型番茄农艺性状的比较试验

    Comparison of Agronomic Properties in Several Limited Growth Tomatoes

  6. 细菌有限生长热动力学研究

    Thermokinetic Study of the Limited Growth of Bacteria

  7. 总体来说,无限生长型番茄的最大光合速率大于有限生长型番茄的最大光合速率。

    Totally speaking , the photosynthetic rate of the indeterminate tomatoes is higher than the determinate tomatoes .

  8. 有限生长类型番茄营养枝生理作用的研究多效唑促进马铃薯块茎膨大的生理作用

    Studies on the Physiological Efi'cct on Nutritive-shoot of Determinate Tomatoes STIMULATION EFFECT OF MET ON GROWTH OF POTATO TUBERS

  9. 出人意料,在丙酸上只表现出有限的生长。

    Unexpectedly , the isolate shows a limited growth on propionic acid .

  10. 结果(1)细胞计数检测:3组均表现出有限细胞生长过程。

    Results ( 1 ) Cell count : all of the three groups showed the growth of finite cell line .

  11. 小偃6号根条数多、供水能力强。大荔52根数最少,失水速度慢,但水分供给能力有限,生长势弱。

    The root number of Dali 52 was the least among tested varieties , plant growing power was weak though its water loss rate was slow .

  12. 而在单晶硅衬底上,薄膜早期以有限扩散生长模式生长,当膜厚超过某一临界厚度时转变为零扩散随机生长模式。

    While for the film on Si substrate , it is the finite diffused deposition on the initial growth stage , and transforms to the zero-diffused stochastic deposition when the film thickness reaches a certain value .

  13. 苜蓿有限和无限生长型鉴别方法研究

    Study on the identification procedure for alfalfa stem growth habit type

  14. 次生生长时形成层主要存在于外韧皮部和木质部之间,为有限的次生生长。

    Cambium is located mainly between collateral phloem and xylem , the secondary growth is limited .

  15. 推断电缆的水树具有分形结构,属于有限扩散凝聚生长模型。

    Water tree of power cable is a fractal structure , which is attribute to diffusion-limited aggregation model .

  16. 由于植物在整个生长发育阶段中,可利用的资源有限,因此存在生长、存活和繁殖间的资源分配等问题。

    There are limitative resources during the plant whole life , so the plant has to allocate resources among growth , survival and reproduction .

  17. 结果显示,人类晶体上皮细胞在体外生存能力有限,体外的生长能力与供体年龄呈负相关。

    The results revealed that the in vitro survival capacity of the human lens epithelial cells is limited and the proliferative capacity of the cells is negatively cor-related to the donor age .

  18. 采用有限元计算与生长曲线模型相结合的方法建立路基沉降量预估模型,以施工期路基沉降计算值为依据,对试验段典型断面路基工后沉降进行预估。

    The finite element method combined with the growth curve model approach embankment settlement prediction model established , to the construction of the embankment settlement calculation is based on the typical cross-section test section were estimated Settlement after .