
  1. 然而,这一研究可能有失偏颇,因为健康状况不佳常常会让老年人更具依赖性,从而增多与家人的联系。

    This research may be biased , however , as ill health often makes older people more dependent and thereby increases contact with family members .

  2. 但就此得出Twitter不思进取显然有失偏颇。

    This is apparently not for lack of trying .

  3. 本文从业务风险的角度入手研究我国企业的财务控制,以Z电网公司为对象未能考察更多的中国企业实施状况,研究结论难免有失偏颇。

    From the start of business risk point of view of the financial control to Z grid companies targeting more Chinese enterprises failed to examine the status of implementation , the conclusions will inevitably biased .

  4. 即使是被视为传统出版业金科玉律的《大英百科全书》(encyclopaediabritannica),对世界的看法也会有失偏颇。

    Even theencyclopaedia Britannica , the supposed gold standard in traditional publishing contains a partial view of the world .

  5. 第一,引起M2与GDP背离的影响因素很多,本文仅考察了其中以证券市场为内容的虚拟经济因素,难免有失偏颇。

    First , the causes for deviation of M2 and GDP are not only , there are many factors . So this dissertation examines only the securities market as fictitious economy factor is an unbalanced view .

  6. “为追求完美体形,而在厌食症的煎熬下的人对体形的理解是有失偏颇的,这就是为什么研究需要关注影响体形偏好的机制。”Tovée说。

    the authors say . " People suffering from conditions such as anorexia nervosa have a distorted perception of body size and body ideals , and it 's important that research focus on the mechanisms underlying and influencing the perception of body size , " says Tov é e.

  7. 在美国以外其他国家的人看来,这种历史观或许有失偏颇、令人反感。

    Some non-Americans might find this vision of history objectionably slanted .

  8. 我的朋友们对我生活的了解有失偏颇。

    My friends had a rather distorted picture of my life .

  9. 这种肤浅的概括实在是有失偏颇。

    And , like lots of generalisations , it was too simple .

  10. 笔者认为,这两种观点都有失偏颇。

    The author believed that both of these two viewpoints are prejudicial .

  11. 而且哈耶克把计划仅仅理解为指令性计划,也有失偏颇。

    But the plan only understand for hayek mandatory plans , biased .

  12. 托勒密体系还要求对债券市场采取一种有失偏颇的观点。

    The Ptolemaic system also requires a skewed view of bond markets .

  13. 这些功能的加强使过去的传统的,有失偏颇的认识得到立法上的纠正。

    The strengthening of these roles correct the past traditional and partial understanding .

  14. 最大摆角的选择应将这些因素综合起来分析,否则将有失偏颇。

    It is necessary to analyze these factors synthetically .

  15. 在我看来,两方面的观点都有失偏颇。

    In my opinion , both views are lop-sided .

  16. 但笔者认为这种说法有失偏颇。

    But I believe that this view is biased .

  17. 究其原因,最主要是因为政府在环境问题上的定位有失偏颇。

    Because the government position on environmental issues biased .

  18. 奥斯汀认为人的第一印象总是有失偏颇的。

    Our first impression , according to Jane Austen , are usually wrong .

  19. 他谴责这篇报导有失偏颇且不充分。

    He condemned the report as partial and inadequate .

  20. 但因为笔者能力有限,理论设想难免有失偏颇,甚至有些幼稚。

    But because the author limited capacity , theoretical assumptions inevitably biased , and even naive .

  21. 无论从哪一个角度来解释企业的起源和性质,都难免以偏概全,有失偏颇。

    There are defects in explaining the origin , nature of enterprise from only one angle .

  22. 这样的推论,显然有失偏颇。

    This reasoning is obviously biased .

  23. 本文从福斯特的小说《霍华兹别墅》入手,从哲学、宗教信仰、连接观等三方面分析论证福斯特是藏在柜子里的叙述者的观点不免有失偏颇。

    This paper focuses on refuting such an idea through analyses of philosophy , religion and connection .

  24. 最后,要是缺少一部针对当前形势的经济学分析,这份名单会让人感觉有失偏颇。

    Finally , this list would have felt lopsided without an economic analysis of the current situation .

  25. 这种过分强调高管人员的作用、忽视员工利益要求的取向是有失偏颇的。

    The orientation overemphasizing the high layer managers ' effect and ignoring the employees ' interests are biased .

  26. 当然,在对不同的文化传统进行比较和对照时,难免会出现有失偏颇的地方。

    Of course , to compare and contrast across different cultural traditions , there are bound to be misunderstandings .

  27. 他们把他说成是软弱的领袖,但我认为这种描绘有失偏颇。

    They portray him as a weak leader , but I don 't think that 's a fair characterization .

  28. 翻译中对文化差异的处理,译界大都集中讨论归化翻译法。但过分强调归化法而忽视异化法有失偏颇。

    Domesticating translation has been somewhat over-emphasized when cultural differences are dealt with in translation while foreignizing translation ignored .

  29. 根据单个相似度分量来推测概念间的语义关系是不充分的、有失偏颇的。

    According to a single component to speculate concept of similarity between the semantic relations is not sufficient and biased .

  30. 我发现自己以前对世界的认识有失偏颇,这位55岁的德克萨斯企业家表示。

    I found I had a pretty warped view of the world , says the 55 - year-old Texan entrepreneur .