
  • Helen of Troy;femme fatale;Dangerous Beauty
  1. 人们总把国家覆灭的原因归结为红颜祸水,这太不合适了。

    It is not proper that people always attribute the fall of a country to Helen of Troy .

  2. 她是他的红颜祸水.旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析

    She was his femme fatale . Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil

  3. 他把她描述成是红颜祸水——就是她毁掉了自己。

    He depicts her as a siren who has drawn him to his ruin .

  4. 她是他的红颜祸水。

    She was his femme fatale .

  5. 她成了伐纣正义性的关键证据之一,反映出作者根深蒂固的红颜祸水思想。

    She was cutting up one of the key evidence of justness , reflects the author deeply rooted " femme fatale " thought .

  6. 但在生活中的某些细微方面,美丽可能会成为一种阻碍,研究者称之为红颜祸水效应。

    But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ` beauty is beastly ` effect .

  7. 两书都表现了红颜祸水和德欲矛盾的观念,尤其都设置了一组对立的类型,表现了对女性的轻视和不平等。

    In particular , the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated .

  8. 但在生活中的某些细微方面,美丽可能会成为一种阻碍,研究者称之为“红颜祸水”效应。

    But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ' beauty is beastly ' effect .

  9. 二是认为男性英雄都是排斥女性的,甚至认为女人是红颜祸水。作者女性观的进步性也体现在两个方面。

    The second is that the male heroes are the exclusion of women , and even believed that women are " the roots of troubles . " By the progressive view of women is also reflected in two aspects .