
  • Hongyan;flush
红艳 [hóng yàn]
  • [flush] 红而艳丽

  1. 他的嘴红如森林里最红艳的浆果;

    His mouth was as red as the reddest forest berries .

  2. 在黑色地板的映衬下她的头发显得越发红艳。

    Her hair looked very red on the black floor .

  3. 它虽不像玫瑰那样红艳,也不如万寿菊那么苍黄;

    Although it is neither so red as rose , nor so greenish yellow as marigold ;

  4. 肤色红艳的人,可选用浅绿、墨绿等色的珠宝首饰,以衬托出活力。

    Color , can choose segong is colourful shallow green , blackish green color , with foil jewelry .

  5. 日光温室和露地甜樱桃红艳秋季枝叶中氮代谢的比较

    Comparison of nitrogen metabolism in shoot and leaf of sweet cherry tree in greenhouse and in field in autumn

  6. 点朱唇:用唇脂(以朱砂制成的红色颜料)把嘴唇涂成樱桃般娇小红艳。

    Applying lip colour : Apply lipstick ( a red dye made from cinnabar ) and colour the lips cheery red or bright red .

  7. 一碗绝佳的牛肉拉面应该具有汤汁清爽、萝卜白净、辣油红艳、香菜翠绿、面条黄亮五个特点。

    The best beef noodles should acquire the following five features : clear soup , clean white turnips , brilliant red chili oil , green parsley and yellow noodles .

  8. 桃花依然红艳,春雨浇灌,它更是晶莹剔透,可桃花林深处却是雨雾朦胧,难见空隙。

    Peach is still Hongyan , spring rain watering , it is crystal clear , it is rain and fog can obscure depths of Tao Hualin , long and almost invisible gap .

  9. 大概因这个缘故吧,青海人常常在熬煎的茯茶中,放入适量花椒、生姜、荆芥、薄荷等,茶色红艳清彻,其味辛香兼备,妙不可言。

    Probably because of this because of it , often in the torture of Qinghai Fu tea , into the amount of pepper , ginger , Nepeta , mint , brown Hongyan Qingche , both the Hong Weixin , fantastic .