
  • 网络infrared transmission;IRDA
  1. 本文介绍了使用该芯片实现现场数据经红外传输的USB数据采集系统。

    At the end of the paper , a data acquisition system based on USB and infrared transmission is designed and implemented .

  2. 研究车载故障诊断系统中的红外传输模块。

    The infrared transmission module of an on-board breakdown diagnostics system is researched .

  3. 本文详细分析了利用对象交换协议进行文件传输的步骤,并给出了基于嵌入式linux系统的具体实现方案,最后介绍了在便携式多媒体中心的应用平台上红外传输功能的实现情况。

    This paper presents the processes involved in file transfer using Object Exchange Protocol . Detailed implementation scheme based on embedded linux system is given . At last , this paper elucidates the implementation of infrared transfer on application platform for portable multi-Media center .

  4. 一种测量塑料薄膜远红外传输损耗的方法

    A measuring method for FIR transmission loss of plastic films

  5. 介质(Ag/AgI)镀层空芯玻璃光纤的制备及红外传输性能的研究

    Preparation and IR Transmission Properties of Ag / AgI Hollow Glass Waveguides

  6. IC卡数据红外传输在公路自动收费系统中的作用

    The Utilization of IC Card Data Infrared Transmission In Highway Automatic Charging System

  7. 红外传输单道心电遥测系统设计

    Design of a Single Channel Infrared ECG Telemetry System

  8. 基于红外传输的扭矩测试系统

    A Torque Testing System Based on Infrared Transmission

  9. GB/T16609-1996红外传输的应用及系统间干扰的防护或控制的指南

    Guide to uses of infra-red transmission and the prevention or control of interference between systems

  10. 用于大功率红外传输的特种光纤

    Special Optical Fiber for Infrared High-Power Transmitting

  11. 手持终端设备中基于对象交换协议的红外传输功能的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Infrared Transfer Based on IrDA Object Exchange Protocol for Portable Terminals

  12. 火山区突发性地热异常热红外传输机理研究

    Research on Transmission Mechanism of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Abrupt Geothermal Anomaly in Volcanic Region

  13. 建立了基于美国海军红外传输模型的双波段单站被动测距算法。

    A mono-station passive ranging algorithm using dual-band radiation based on the U.S.Navy infrared transmission model is established .

  14. 它集数字化、无线化和红外传输技术的优势于一体,是理想的会议系统无线化解决方案。

    With the development of IP network , the interactive multiuser conference system is in a great needs of current market .

  15. 实验表明磁液具有良好的红外传输特性,可用作新型红外磁光材料。

    Experiments manifest that the ferrofluid thin films exhibit good infrared transmission and can be used as new types of magneto-optical materials .

  16. 在综合考虑地球曲率、高度、气象条件、大气特性等条件的基础上,建立了红外传输的空间大气透过率计算模型;

    Taking into account of telluric curvature , altitude , meteorologic condition , atmosphere characteristic and so on , the three dimensional atmospheric transmittance model of infrared transfer was set up ;

  17. 评述了红外传输光纤中的氧化物光纤、氟化物光纤、硫族化物光纤、晶体光纤、空芯光纤、液芯光纤等国内外研制和应用的现状和特点。

    Current status and properties of research and development along with application at home and abroad for oxide fibers , fluoride fibers , chalcogenide fibers , crystal fibers , hollow waveguides , liquid-core fibers and so on in infrared transmitting fibers are introduced and reviewed briefly .

  18. 红外无线传输在以太网(Ethernet)中的应用

    Application of Infrared Wireless Communication in Ethernet

  19. 用于红外激光传输及光纤传感应用的矩形Y2O3-ZrO2单晶光波导

    Rectangular y_2o_3-zro_2 single crystal optical waveguides for infrared laser delivery and fiber-optic sensing applications

  20. RS-232C串口红外数据传输系统

    One Infrared Data Transmission System of RS-232C Serial Port

  21. 实验结果表明,在Windows98环境下,红外无线传输距离由原来的1.5m增大至4.1m,有效传输速率略有增大;

    Experimental results show that the transmission distance is expanded from 1.5 m to 4.1 m under Windows 98 environments and the efficient data transmission speed is also improved .

  22. 漏磁旋转检测方法中信号红外无线传输方法的研究

    Research of Infrared Wireless Transmission Method in Rotational Magnetic Flux Leakage Test

  23. 建立了化学烟雾的红外辐射传输方程。

    The radiance transfer equations of chemical vapors are given .

  24. 污染云团红外辐射传输模型与红外光谱的计算机仿真

    Infrared radiative transfer model of pollution cloud and computer simulation of infrared spectra

  25. 红外数据传输实时监测系统

    A real time inspection system with infrared date transmission

  26. 大气透过率是影响红外辐射传输的重要因素。

    Atmosphere transmissibility is an important influencing factor in infrared radiation transfer field .

  27. 红外激光传输用聚苯乙烯-银-玻璃基体空心波导研究

    Study on HOLLOW-WAVEGUIDES of polystyrene - coated silver-glass for transmission of infrared laser energy

  28. 一种采用红外数据传输的自动检测系统

    An Auto Testing System with Infrared Data Transmission

  29. 研究了红外数据传输技术在旋转部件数据传输中的应用;

    The application of infrared data transmission in the rotary joint is also expatiated .

  30. 矿井大气中红外辐射传输特性

    Transmission characteristic of infrared radiation through mine atmosphere