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  1. 她的嘴小小的,圆脸蛋红红的。

    She had a small mouth and round pink cheeks .

  2. 起初,我们有“妈妈企业家”,指那些一边照看孩子,一边在厨房餐桌旁创业并把生意做得红红火火的女性。

    First we had mumpreneurs - the women raising children while also setting up thriving businesses from their kitchen tables .

  3. 我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰-RobertBurns

    A Red , Red Rose - Robert Burns

  4. 用PCR方法扩增深红红螺菌的draT基因

    Amplification of draT Gene of Rhodospirillum rubrum by PGR Method

  5. ????注:luve’s*?love’s一朵红红的玫瑰?????吕志鲁译呵,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰?????

    A Red , Red Rose O MY Luve ' s * like a red , red rose ? ?

  6. 有机磷农药毒死蜱降解菌玫瑰红红球菌mpd基因的克隆

    Cloning of Mpd Gene from Rhodococcus Rhodochrous Degrading Organophosphorus Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

  7. 中国传媒的l卜场化首先在报业取得成功,虽然报业发展红红火火,但是其中的问题也小容回避。

    The success of marketing of Chinese media shows firstly in newspaper . Although the newspapers develop well , the problems cannot be neglected .

  8. 中国电信作为最大的固话运营商其固网短信业务正开展得红红火火,3G的到来势必会给中国电信带来新的机遇和挑战。

    China Telecom , the biggest fixed phone operator in China , has its fixed network SMS business prosperous throughout China . 3G which is not so far away from us no doubt will bring a new challenge and opportunity to it .

  9. IPTV的市场在欧美和日韩已经红红火火,虽然目前国内IPTV尚未普及,但是我国的宽带网络用户人数已经过亿,因此将孕育出庞大消费市场。

    IPTV is not so popular in China currently as in Europe and America but a huge consumer market of IPTV is gestating since the number of broadband network users in our country is over 100 million now .

  10. 他的脸红红的,满脸怒容。

    His face was red , and he looked very angry .

  11. 只是问问吗?为什么你的脸红红的?

    Just asking ? Why is your face burning like mad ?

  12. 红红的枫叶,多像你的灵魂,你的爱。

    Red maple leaves , like your soul , your love .

  13. 啊!我爱人像红红的玫瑰,

    O my luve is like a red , red rose ,

  14. 史密斯?鲍威尔身材高大,脸红红的。

    Smith Powel was a large man , red of face .

  15. 她得了重感冒,眼睛红红的。

    She had a bad cold and her eyes were red .

  16. 啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰。

    Oh , MY Luve 's like a red , red rose .

  17. 高格一脸疲惫,眼睛红红的。

    His face looked tired and his eyes were red .

  18. 你的脸过去是红红的,现在变苍白了。

    Your face used to be red and now it 's pale .

  19. 哦,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰。

    O my Luves like a red , red rose .

  20. 你眼眶红红的说明你哭过了。

    Your red-rimmed eyes reveal that you have been crying .

  21. 而她只能希望并设法使红红的巴掌印早日褪去,算是原谅吧。

    The forgivable response is to hope and get the blusher out .

  22. 它有一张红红的脸蛋儿,小小的嘴巴。

    He had a red face and a little mouth .

  23. 我相信今年的奥运会一定会开的红红火火!

    I believe the Olympic Games must be ardent in this year .

  24. 鞋子把她们的光脚踝擦得红红的。我喜欢她们。

    It makes their bald ankles all red , but I like them .

  25. 小松鼠又看到一只红红的玫瑰。

    Then the little squirrel saw a red rose .

  26. 撩开了红红的头巾。

    I uncover the red kerchief on your head .

  27. 我的好朋友红红是个非常爱帮助人的女孩。

    My Best Friend My best friend , Honghong , loves helping others .

  28. 你像是一朵红红的玫瑰!向心上人表达一个经典的情意。

    A classic expression of love for your sweetheart .

  29. 他的运动衫生意做得红红火火。

    He was doing a roaring trade in t-shirts .

  30. 他红红的脸立刻暴露出他的紧张。

    His red face at once betrayed his nervousness .