
hóng niáng
  • matchmaker;soubrette;a nonprofitmaking woman go-between for lovers
红娘 [hóng niáng]
  • [soubrette] 原为文学人物名,《西厢记》中崔莺莺的侍女,促成了莺莺和张生的结合。后民间把红娘作为帮助别人完成美满姻缘的热心人的代称。现也常比喻为各方牵线搭桥、促成事情的人或组织

红娘[hóng niáng]
  1. 他是通过电脑红娘认识他妻子的。

    He met his wife through a computer dating agency .

  2. 埃玛认为自己是个很在行的红娘。

    Emma believes she is an expert matchmaker .

  3. 很有趣老板竟当起了红娘准备牵线搭桥,真是没想到!

    It 's interesting that our boss served as a bridge !

  4. 你有最有力的红娘行星在你这边&木星。

    You have one of the most powerful matchmaking planets on your side-Jupiter .

  5. 真抱歉,网络红娘根本跟迷人不沾边。

    And I 'm sorry , but there 's nothing charming about Harmony .

  6. 还有一些地方,专业的红娘也在彩礼上涨中也起了一定作用。

    In some regions , professional match-makers play a role in growing prices .

  7. 而且他也是我和我爱人的“红娘”。

    Moreover he is also I and my spouse " the Hong Niang " .

  8. 东海区红娘鱼属种类组成及其分布特征

    Robotic Fish Species composition and distribution of the genus Lepidotrigla in the East China Sea

  9. 她喜欢当红娘。

    She loves to be a matchmaker .

  10. 他是我们两个人的红娘,安排我们在派对上碰面。

    He played cupid for us two , by arranging for us to meet at the party .

  11. 对于中国面临结婚压力的单身人士来说,除了足够多的专业红娘以外,还有好管闲事的父母。

    For singles in China under pressure to get married , there are plenty of professional match makers , and busybody parents .

  12. 唐贞元年间,在书生张珙与崔相国女儿莺莺之间相爱成亲的故事中,红娘扮演了一位聪明可爱的媒人角色。

    A love story between a young scholar and the governor 's daughter whose servant girl called The Red Maidacts as the matchmaker .

  13. 作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂•斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。

    As the Millionaire Matchmaker , Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man .

  14. 而人工红娘会对服务对象进行严格的资格审核,确保资料真实有效。

    And artificial soubrette can undertake strict qualificatory examine and verify to serving a target , ensure the material is true and effective .

  15. 奈杰尔很久没有约会过了,所以今晚我要做回红娘,介绍他和萨拉认识。

    Nigel 's not had a date for a while , so tonight I 'm going to play Cupid and introduce him to Sarah .

  16. 一对盲人夫妇昨日成婚,他们讲述了自己是如何陷入爱河的导盲犬当红娘。

    A besotted blind couple who married yesterday have told how they fell in love - when their guide dogs also became an item .

  17. 如平凉周报所报道的那样,在甘肃省平凉市,一些红娘收取彩礼钱的5%到10%作为佣金。

    As Pingliang Weekly reported , in Pingliang , Gansu , some match-makers demand 5 to 10 percent of the bride price as commission .

  18. 弗兰斯是一名服务周到的红娘,当时正在为客户寻觅合适人选。

    France , a professional white-glove matchmaker , was shopping for her clients and thought Jayad might be a good fit for one of them .

  19. 不过如今,地球村里出现了一种新式红娘:互联网,它与旧式红娘有两个不同点。

    Today , though , there is a new matchmaker in the village : the internet . It differs from the old ones in two ways .

  20. 应征男士的年龄必须在35岁以下,由号称纽约第一资深“红娘”的詹妮斯•斯宾德尔负责筛选。

    The prospective boy toys -- who had to be under 35 -- were screened by Janice Spindel , billed as New York 's most exclusive matchmaker .

  21. 她在下一部电影《我爱红娘》中获得的酬劳使她成为当时电影届片酬最高的艺人。

    The salary and contractual agreements she received for her next movie , Hello , Dolly , made her the highest-paid performer in films at the time .

  22. 《西厢记》作为元杂剧的代表作之一,塑造了崔莺莺、老夫人、红娘三个光彩照人、个性鲜明的女性形象。

    As a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty 's dramas , The Western Chamber created three vivid female images : Cui Yingying , The old lady ( Cui 's mother ), and Hong Niang .

  23. 这是纽约一位企业家举办的一项速配活动的报名条件。参加速配的20名“富婆”和20名“花样美男”均由纽约一位著名红娘挑选出来。

    That 's the basis of a speed-datingevent organized by a New York entrepreneur bringing together 20 " sugar mamas " and 20 " boy toys " vetted by an elite New York matchmaker .

  24. 继《小妇人》和《大卫·科波菲尔的个人史》之后,简·奥斯汀的《艾玛》将在1996年格温妮丝·帕特洛版本之后首次被搬上大荧幕,帕特洛在该片中饰演了一个自以为无所不知的红娘。

    Following in the carriage wheel-tracks of Little Women and The Personal History of David Copperfield , Jane Austen 's Emma returns to the big screen for the first time since the matchmaking know-it-all was played by Gwyneth Paltrow in 1996 .

  25. 调查指出,婚恋网存在三大主要问题:假红娘的欺骗(57%);名为相亲,实为饭托、酒托(56.6%);实名认证存在漏洞(54.1%)。

    Online dating services suffer from three key issues : fraud committed by fake matchmakers ( 57 percent ) , people pretending to seek love but promoting restaurants or expensive wines instead ( 56.6 percent ) , and loopholes by websites that allow users to be identified ( 54.1 percent ) , the survey shows .