
  • 网络jade jewelry
  1. 天津商贸大学国际贸易专业的黄河(音译),18岁,选修了一门翡翠珠宝鉴赏课。

    Huang He , an 18-year-old international trade major at Tianjin University of Commerce , takes a class on jade jewelry .

  2. 而黄色翡翠鉴别是珠宝鉴定部门的难题。

    The identification of yellow jadeite , however , is a headache to the gemstone testing organizations .

  3. 腾冲翡翠在国内珠宝市场上闻名遐迩,应有一个相应的注册商标,以适应其商业发展。

    Tengchong jadeite is famous in domestic market , therefore it should have appropriate registered trademark in order to promote commercial development .