
  • 网络TVB Jade
  1. 每10个香港人中,就有8人在黄金时段收看TVB翡翠台的节目,这里曾造就了《卧虎藏龙》中周润发等明星。

    Eight out of10 Hong Kong televisions are tuned to TVB 's Jade channel during prime time , watching shows that produced stars such as Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon 's Chow Yun-fat .

  2. 今天TVB节目预告,秋官将于周四出席「慧妍爱心倾城廿五载」慈善筹款晚会,担任表演嘉宾,该节目将于9/29星期六晚上八点于TVB翡翠台播出!

    Today there was an advertisement of Adam on TVB showing that he will take part in performing at WAI YIN charity show this Thursday , and it will be aired on Sat.9/29 at8 pm on TVB Jade channel !

  3. 从创造需求到创造发展的空间&TVB翡翠台广告运营与节目编排的启示

    From Creating Need to Creating Developmental Space : Enlightenment of TVB Emerald Station 's Advertisement Operation and Program Arrangement