
  • 网络Mulan joins the army;Maiden in Armour;HUA MULAN JOINS THE ARMY;Hua Mu Lan
  1. 叙事歌曲《木兰从军》是词作家刘麟据《木兰诗》编词、曲作家王志信作曲的一首民族声乐作品。

    Narrative song " Mu lan Enlist " is a vocal work of the nation that writer Liu Lin writes the lyrics according to the " Mulan Poem ", and composer Wang Zhixin is the writer of the music .

  2. 木兰的易装从军是整个故事中极为重要的一个部分,也是对通俗文学和现当代戏曲影视创作影响较大的文化主题。

    The story of Mulan in costume theme is a very important theme in the story , the theme is large influence on popular literature and contemporary stories .

  3. 不知道为了公平起见,同为雄性的木须龙会不会也难逃被淘汰的命运。原版电影中李翔对于木兰的喜爱与日俱增(木兰在军队中女扮男装),木兰从军对退役以后,电影中有几处两人暗送秋波的场景。

    Shang is shown clearly to possess a growing affection for Ping ( Mulan disguised as a man in order to join the army ) , one not reserved for the rest of the soldiers , with the film definitely slotting in a few stolen glances between the pair .