
  • 网络Water waves
  1. 再往前是水波荡漾的海洋和星罗棋布的宝岛

    Ahead lay the scalloped ocean and the abounding blessed isles .

  2. 但是,先不谈嫉妒,只说那些用直升机俯拍出来的照片,它们有一种好玩的偷窥意味——城市景观向上伸展,变得陌生,散布在水波荡漾的泳池中或躺椅上的游泳者很像大卫·霍克尼(DavidHockney)的油画。

    And yet , envy aside , there is something deliciously voyeuristic about helicopter photographs of a suddenly unfamiliar , upturned cityscape dotted with David Hockney bathers in dappled water and lounge chairs .

  3. 微风使海面水波荡漾。

    A breeze ripples the surface of the sea .

  4. 微风使海面水波荡漾。柔和的月光射在湖面上。

    A breeze ripple the surface of the sea . The moon cast her mellow light on the lake .

  5. 小船随着水波微微荡漾,除了跳板搭在船弦上隐约发出哀伤的吱嘎声外,万籁俱寂。

    There is no sound save the faint , mournful creaking of the gangway against the boat , as she imperceptibly swings to and fro in the current .

  6. 那金黄色的水波在墙上荡漾了多少次,那乌黑乌黑的河流不顾他的不愿意,多少夜滚滚流向海洋,保罗从来没有计算过,也从来不想要知道。

    How many times the golden water danced upon the wall ; how many nights the dark , dark river rolled towards the sea in spite of him ; Paul never counted , never sought to know .