
  • 网络acid rain area;acid rain zone
  1. 我国是世界上第三大酸雨区[1]。

    China is the third largest acid rain area in the world .

  2. 欧洲、北美和中国依次是世界第一、二、三大酸雨区。

    Europe , North America , China are the first , second , third acid rain area respectively .

  3. 基于GIS技术的浙江省酸雨区分布研究

    The Study of Acid Rain Distribution of Zhejiang Province Based on GIS

  4. 闽南地区降水的SO2-4/NO-3比值是我国主要酸雨区中最低的,NOx是闽南地区酸沉降形成的重要致酸前体物之一;

    The ratio of SO 2 - 4 to NO - 3 of rainwater in Minnan area is the lowest among those in main acid areas of China ; NO x is one of the most important precursors of acid rain ;

  5. 我国南部地区已成为继欧洲、北美之后世界第三大酸雨区。

    The South china become the third largest region with heavy acid deposition after Europe and North America .

  6. 石灰石粉混施剂量对酸雨区马尾松细根特征的影响

    Response of Fine Root Characteristics of Pinus massoniana to the Doses of Limestone Powder Mixed in Soil in the Acid Rain Area of Chongqing , China

  7. 由于地处珠三角酸雨区,市区的酸雨频率较高,污染严重。

    Because Jiangmen is located in the Pearl River Delta area of urban acid rain , acid rain frequency is quite high and pollution is serious .

  8. 20世纪90年代以来,以长沙、株洲、南昌等城市为中心的华中酸雨区成为全国酸雨污染最严重的地区。

    Central China , Changsha , Zhuzhou and Nanchang are center cities , has become the severest acid rain region since the last decade of 20th century .

  9. 福建省所在的华东沿海地区已成为我国主要的酸雨区,福州、厦门、三明、泉州、漳州、龙岩6个城市被列为国家酸雨控制区。

    Six cities in Fujian Province including Fuzhou , Xiamen , Sanming , Quanzhou , Zhangzhou , Longyan are listed in the national controlling area of acid rain .

  10. 由于我国南部存在着大面积的酸雨区,我国学者对酸沉降诱发的土壤酸化研究较多而对后者关注较少。

    Because a large region of acid rain occured in south of China , many researched had focused on soil acidification caused by acid precipitation and had neglected that caused by chemical fertilizer .

  11. 然而,这些成绩是建立在高昂的环境代价之上的,作为全国重要的酸雨区,湖南省环境污染严重,资源环境瓶颈制约相较突出,湖南工业化进程正面临着严峻的环境挑战。

    While , these achievements are build on the expensive cost of the environment and resources . As one of the main acid rain areas , Hunan is suffering from the severe environment contamination and the environment & resources bottleneck in its process of industrialization .

  12. 湖北省酸雨控制区二氧化硫污染防治规划

    Polluting Control of Acid Rain Controlled Areas in Hubei Province

  13. 云南省酸雨控制区二氧化硫污染现状及综合防治措施

    Current Situation and Comprehensive Prevention-Treatment Measures for SO_2 Pollution in Acid Rain Control Zone , Yunnan Province

  14. 福建省酸雨控制区酸雨污染特征及成因

    The Polluting Characteristics of Acid Precipitation in Acid precipitation Control Area and Its Formation Cause in Fujian Province

  15. 随着经济和环境的发展,特别是酸雨控制区和SO2控制区的划分,SO2防治措施必将加速发展。

    With the development of economy and environment , especially the partition of acid rain controlling and SO_2 controlling area , actions must be take to prevent SO_2 let out into atmosphere quickly .

  16. 重点地区:淮河、海河、辽河、太湖、巢湖、滇池、渤海、二氧化硫污染和酸雨控制区、北京市。

    Key Areas : Huai River , Hai River , Liao River , Tai Lake , Chao Lake , Dianchi Lake , Bo Sea , SO2 and acid rain control regions , Beijing Municipality .

  17. 镇江市1998年被国家列入首批酸雨控制区,分析了镇江市酸雨现状、污染特征及其成因,提出酸雨控制对策。

    This paper analysed the present situation of acid precipitation in Zhenjiang City and proposed its countermeasures for the reason that the city was listed as one of the control areas of acid precipitation in China , 1998 .

  18. 本文在对我国西南部分酸雨污染重区的树附生苔藓的种类、分布、盖度和频度的野外调查基础上,计算了各样点的大气净度指数(IAP)。

    Based on field investigations of species of epiphytic bryophytes and their distribution , frequency and coverage in one of most polluted areas in southwest China , the IAP ( Index of Atmospheric Purity ) was calculated .

  19. 对比试验发现,在腐蚀型测试介质中(模拟城市酸雨),阳极区可以观察到氧化现象,但是由于BiTA对铜锈的稳定作用,峰值电流明显降低。

    The compared experiments find that in the corroding type of testing medium ( acid rain of a simulated city ), the oxygenation can be observed in the anodic area , but because the BiTA stabilize the copper , the peak value of the electric current is obviously reduced .

  20. 柳州市是我国酸雨出现的高频区和严重地区。

    Liuzhou is one of the serious acid rain area in China .

  21. 98个城市降水出现酸雨,占酸雨控制区城市数的91.6%。

    There is acid rain in the precipitation of 98 cities , accounting for 91.6 % of the cities in the Acid Rain Control Zone .

  22. 北京一改百年无酸雨历史,已经由无酸雨区转而名列酸雨城市黑名单。

    The one-hundred year history of no acid rain in Beijing has been altered , and Beijing has already been on the blacklist of acid rain-plagued cities .

  23. 南方地区酸雨污染较重,酸雨控制区内90%以上的城市出现了酸雨。

    The acid rain pollution in the south is rather serious , with acid rain in over 90 % of the cities in the acid rain control zone .

  24. 重庆系我国酸雨最严重的城市,也是世界三大酸雨区之一。

    Chongqing is not only the great serious acid rain city in China , but also one of three large acid rain regions .

  25. 中国酸雨正呈蔓延之势,继欧洲、北美之后成为世界第三大酸雨区。

    China becomes the third acid rain area , after Europe and North America .

  26. 酸雨与全球变暖、臭氧层破坏并列为世界三大生态环境灾难,我国西南地区由于特殊的能源结构、独特的地理位置已成为全国四大酸雨区之一。

    Acid rain is the greatest ecological environmental disasters in the world , as well as global warming and ozone depletion . Due to the special energy structure and unique geography location , the southwest regions of China had become one of the four greatest acid rain zones .