
  • 网络Magnanimous mind
  1. 当然权贵也有很多人是不错的,诸如胸怀坦荡的。

    That the influential official also certainly has many person is good , breast is such as magnanimous .

  2. 傅清华工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,对党忠诚老实,胸怀坦荡,性格直爽。

    Fu Qinghua work diligently , work conscientiously , the party faithful honest , forthright mind , character Zhishuang .

  3. 我们就坐在这里表现出胸怀坦荡的样子,他们就不会怀疑我们。

    We just sit here and act like we got nothing to hide , and they won 't suspect a thing .